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Quake object oriented level editor!
Operating Systems Released Price Add to Shopping Cart
September 1997 $29.95

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Do you want to create your own Quake levels? Qoole lets you! It's easy to design levels with Qoole because it has an elegant and intuitive user interface.

You'll see four different views of your map, including a texturized 3D view so you see exactly how your textures are aligned and your objects will look in Quake. This CDROM contains:

  • 46 minutes of video tutorials on how to make Quake maps.
  • 528 premade map-building objects.
  • 1,007 new textures.
  • 40 ready-to-run example levels.
  • Comprehensive Documentation on Quake Map Editing from the Internet.
  • 51 additional map editing utilities.
  • 11,272 Usenet Quake editing articles.
  • 1,922 messages from Qoole mailing list.

QooleTM supports these features:

  • Object Oriented editing.
  • Support for editing Entity properties.
  • Context Sensitive Help.
  • Fast 2D and 3D wire frame, solids, and texture previews.
  • Object manipulation including: move, rotate, scale, cut, copy, paste, duplicate, CSG Subtract (cookie-cut) and Hollow functions, apply texture.
  • Brush vertex, edge, and face manipulation tools.
  • Texture tools: select, align, scale, rotate, file support, selector with bookmarks.
  • Undo

Requirement: Windows 95; registered version of Quake; 486/66; 12MB RAM; 6MB disk space.

Recommended: Pentium 90; 16MB RAM; 20MB disk space.