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QRZ! Ham Radio Volume 11
Ham Radio US, International call signs - Ham Radio shareware programs and documentation
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March 1998 $29.95 $19.95
The QRZ! Ham Radio Volume 11 Archive

Since 1993 the QRZ Ham Radio CDROM has become the number one bestseller in amateur radio, worldwide. In use throughout the world, on all 7 continents and in outer space (used aboard the MIR space station in 1997), QRZ is the most widely recognized ham radio CDROM anywhere.

This CDROM was compiled from QRZ's extensive Internet data collection at and includes an unprecedented 113,000 email addresses and URLs of amateur radio operators from around the world (more than any other Ham Radio CDROM).

This edition includes over 50,000 new callsigns and several NEW COUNTRIES including: Egypt, Estonia, India, Malta, Namibia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Paraguay and Venezuela. Other countries represented on this CDROM include: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Monaco, Portugal, Taiwan, Turkey, the UK and the USA.

The QRZ CDROM uses the most advanced lookup software available. It is compatible with Windows 95/NT, Windows 3.11, MS-DOS, OS/2, Linux, and most versions of UNIX. True 32-bit Windows support.

The QRZ callsign database is supported by most popular logging and contest programs.

Included in this edition are:

  • Over 1,000,000 callsigns
  • Over 113,000 email addresses
  • Over 1,700 digital images
  • Over 1,400 Amateur Radio Shareware Programs
  • Hundreds of Radio and Scanner MODs
  • Online FCC Exam training software
  • Morse Code Training Programs
  • Computer Radio Control Programs