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Math Toolkit
Calculators, geometry, calculus, algebra software, HP48 utilities, graphing.
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May 1997 $39.95
The Math Toolkit Archive

The Math Toolkit CDROM gives you a wide array of math programs and files ranging from K-12 to Advanced Calculus. You will find graphing programs, number converters and math games that actually make learning and understanding math concepts a fun activity. This CDROM comes with 378 MB of programs and files for MSDOS, Windows, Macintosh, TI and HP calculators. For the calculator section alone you get thousands of utilities and games to enhance and liven up these powerful tools!

The math subjects covered by this CDROM include:

  • Advanced Calculus
  • Advanced Differential Equations
  • College Algebra
  • Complex Variables
  • Geometry
  • K-12 (Pre-Calculus)
  • Linear and Matrix Algebra
  • Modelling
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Probability programs
  • Statistics
  • And more!

Aside from an in-depth look at these subjects, you also get useful programs, including:

  • GNUPlot for MSDOS and Windows
  • Graphs of conic sections
  • Spreadsheet programs and related files
  • Calculator emulators and programs
  • Calendar, clocks, number simplifiers, polygon solvers, games, sound effects, apps and utilities for HP48 calculators
  • Much, much more!

The Math Toolkit CDROM is ideal as your personal math tutor, and practical in enhancing your existing math-related programs. It is indeed the ultimate solution you've always been looking for!