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Home Education Library
1,280 Educational Programs For Windows And MSDOS
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September 1996 $39.95
Give your kids a head start in life!

The Home Education Library CDROM has been compiled to provide a complete library of software for parents, teachers, and students. The Home Education Library is primarily designed for children between 3 and 12. This CDROM includes a complete library of 1,280 educational programs.

  • Learn all about computers.
  • Teach your children that computers are fun!
  • Learn faster with computer tutorials.
  • Do better in school.

The CDROM is easy to use under DOS or Windows (3.1 or 95). Our friendly browser selects and runs each program.

Subjects covered include:

  • Computing-DOS & MS Windows, Typing Tutors, Programming, Communication, etc.
  • English-ABCs for Toddlers, Beginning Reading, Classic Literature Study, etc.
  • Games -Adventure, Bridge, Simulation & Strategy Games, Educational Games, etc.
  • History-World Events, Ancient Rome, European History, etc.
  • Infants- Alphabet, Letters, Counting, Matching Graphics & Coloring Skills, etc.
  • Music-Writing Music, Note Recognition, Piano, Recorder & Instrument Tutors, etc.
  • Math-Basic Arithmetic, Math Games, Fractions, Algebra, Statistics, Geometry, Calculus, Higher Math, etc.
  • Languages-Spanish, French, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Latin Tutors, Translators, etc.
  • Geography-Places, Maps & Mapping, Nations, Ecology, Meteorology, Boarders, Politics, Populations, Economies.
  • Home Applications-Home Finance & Accounting, Design, Contents Inventory, Collecting, Photography, etc.
  • Religion-Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, The Koran, Church Administration, etc.
  • Science-Mechanics, Elements, Atoms, Electronics, Physics, Materials Properties, Power, Units, Chemistry, etc.
  • Teachers-Student Grading & Testing, Tutorial Systems, Student Records, Teachers Tools, etc.
  • Plus much more!