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Hand Held Computing Toolkit
Windows CD, PalmPilot, and Newton utilities.
Operating Systems Released Price Click here to order!
March 1998 $39.95
This CDROM contains programs for today's popular hand held devices. Included on this CDROM are programs for the PalmPilot, the Newton, and hand held computers running the Windows CE operating system.

Among the many useful programs available on this CDROM you will find:

  • Business Applications
  • Database Utilities
  • Development Tools
  • Games and Entertainment
  • Handwriting Recognition Applications
  • Math Applications
  • Personal Finance Managers
  • PC to Hand Held Synchronization Utilities
  • Personal Information Managers
  • System Utilities

The rich assortment of development tools included will help you to design new applications or port your existing PC programs to your hand held device. You will also find many general productivity and business applications to help you work more efficiently.

Whether you use your palmtop to develop commercial applications or just to simply keep track of your daily schedule, this CDROM will give you everything you need to get the most out of your hand held computer.