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C/C++ Users Group Library
Entire C Users Journal magazine source code and article collection.
Operating Systems Released Price Subscription Click here to order!
April 1998 $49.95 $24.95

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This CDROM gives you the entire C/C++ Users Group Library through volume #478, a collection of more than 300 MB of user-supported C/C++ source code. Source code compiles under Windows, UNIX, and other platforms.

You'll get:

  • Internet Tools
  • Cross-Compilers
  • Unix Text Utilities
  • Source Analysis
  • SVGA Graphics
  • Tutorials
  • Sound Libraries
  • Best of GNU
  • Text Editors
  • Postscript Tools
  • Cross-Assemblers
  • And more!

This CDROM also contains all the source code listings published in the C/C++ Users Journal since 1983. This disc provides you with thousands of files that you can analyze and incorporate into your own applications. Learn how to write port- able code by reading portable code! Don't forget, shareware programs require a separate payment to the author if found useful.

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