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Ada Programming
1300 MB of Ada source code, programs and documentation on 2 CDROMS!
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April 1998 $39.95 $24.95
The Ada Archive

Ada users should not be without this library! This CDROM is a copy of the Internet's Public Ada Library (PAL). With over 1.3 GB of documentation, information, source code, and ready-to-run tools and compilers, this two-disc set is a valuable resource for any serious Ada programmer. Several thousand files added or updated since the November '97 edition.

You'll find:

  • New! GWRL (Generic Web-based Reuse Library) tool family for creating web pages for reuse libraries. Written in Ada95, required GNAT 3.10 and the Source Code Analysis Tool Construction (SCATC) Domain-Specific Kit (also included). From Richard Conn, PAL Manager.
  • New! SEC '98 Ñ Briefing on the new Army Software Engineering Center, giving insight into the mission and objectives of an organization of over 1,900 contractor personnel and over 1,600 DoD and military personnel managing over 96M lines of code in over 450 systems with an annual budget of $311M. From James Wagner, Deputy Director, CECOM SEC, December 1997.
  • New! Presentation on Software Manufac-turing, discussing made-to-order software manufacturing and adaptive components. From Paul Bassett of Netron, Inc., Nov. 1997.
  • New! Presentation with demo code about Ada95 on the Java Virtual Machine. From Ed Falis of Aonix, Inc., January 1998.
  • Major Update! GRASP (Graphical Representation of Algorithms, Structures, & Processes) tool for Win95 and UNIX now supports forward and reverse engineering of C++ code as well as Ada95, C, Java, and VHDL. Works with GNAT, GCC, JDK 1.1, and G++. From James Cross of Auburn Univer-sity with funding from NASA and ARPA.
  • Update! AdaGIDE Ada95 development environment for Win95. Works with GNAT and provides an integrated, easy-to-use front end with colorized pretty printing. From Martin Carlisle of the U.S. Air Force Academy.
  • Update! AdaGraph for doing basic graphics in Ada95 on Win95 and NT platforms. Does not require Windows programming or a Win32 binding. Works with GNAT and ObjectAda. From Jerry van Djik.
  • Update! GNAT Ada95 compiler now includes GDB (GNU Debugger). From Robert Dewar and Ada Core Technologies.
  • Update! Aonix Ada95 compiler. From Dave Wood et al at Aonix, Inc.
  • Update! Lovelace Ada95 Tutorial, Version 5.7. From David Wheeler.
  • Over 300MB of information on Ada83 & Ada95.

The Public Ada Library Card Catalog (over 1,800 HTML files covering this CDROM). The catalog, which contains an extensive table of contents and two indices, can be accessed by top-level pushbuttons from the CDROM's Web interface. Use of the PAL Card Catalog is shown in the Tour, which is also available through a top-level push-button and printed in the July/August 1997 issue of Ada Letters.

80 courses in Ada, Software Engineering, Software Reuse, OOD, OOP, Domain Engineering, real-time, concurrent program-ming, and other current topics. Hundreds of technical reports and references, including over 200 MB of material from the Software Engineering Institute.

This CDROM can be browsed using Netscape, Internet Explorer, and other Web browsers! Start with the file Òindex.htm.ÓPlease Note: We used the Certifier_1 tool (also available in binary on this CDROM) to certify the software on this CDROM. This disk is in ISO-9660 with Rock Ridge extensions. You can read it on 30 platforms, including: DOS, Linux, Sun, and HP.