Patches are not included in the demo version of IE. Listed below are this month's patches. Each game is installed in its own unique way. It is suggested that you extract the patch you are interested in to a temporary directory on your hard drive and follow the instructions that are provided for installation. To decompress a zipped (ZIP) file go to the patches directory and type 'PKUNZIP file C:\TEMP -D' This will extract the 'file' you want to a temp directory on your hard drive. Type PKUNZIP for a list of the commands that are available. If PKUNZIP is not already installed on your computer it is provided in the patches directory. Copy PK204G.EXE to a temporary directory on your hard drive and run it. This will extract the files, PKZIP, PKZIPFIX, and PKUNZIP. Copy these files to your DOS directory or include them in your path statement. ================================================================ 1942DIG.ZIP 1942 PAW digital sound driver APACHE1.ZIP Apache fixes for preference screen & god mode. BANEFIX.ZIP Bane of the Cosmic Forge divide overflow fix BAW95UP1.ZIP Battleground Ardennes update for Windows 95 DPSVGA.ZIP Dawn Patrol video drivers FUPAT201.EXE Flight Unlimited - joystick, Matrox video, & divide overflow problems. HAR155D.ZIP Harpoon Classic (Win) update to 1.55d w/editor MW2VFX12.EXE Mechwarrior II patch for VFX MECH2V11.ZIP Mechwarrior II update from v1.0 dated 7/12/95 PS_112.ZIP Panthers..the Shadows STEEL11.EXE Steel Panthers TOP_126.ZIP Tigers on the Prowl upgrade to 1.26 VPOOL166.ZIP Virtual Pool to allow you to select IRQ 10 +