Does this guy know how to start a letter or what? The early episodes of IE are getting hard to come by. To get whatever back issues we have, call 1 800 562 3624 (800 56CDMAG if you're into letters) and beg them to help you out. As far as the color art on the early episodes goes, you have a bright future as a penny-pinching accountant. We did go mono to save money. However, I believe we're planning to slowly inch our way back in that direction with two colors. Unless something happens, that should take place on the disc for the episode you're viewing right now. And, the Ultima 8 pics in episode 17 did come from the Ultima 8 game itself. The last time we checked, Origin was still in the "consideration" phase with on-line Ultima. That could all change drastically by the time this thing goes to press. G.T.