Subject: Interactive Entertainment - Episode 18 Just reviewed Episode 18 of I.E. and had to make a comment. Your interface just keeps improving. I am always eager to see what changes you've made in the next episode. The scene transitions were a nice touch, as were the new sounds. The thing that caught my attention in particular this time was in your review of The Last Dynasty. Now, there is usually an attempt at humor in most reviews, and I sometimes actually grin at them, but this one had me laughing out loud. Very well done guys! Thanks for lightening up my day. BTW - It appears as if you need to start coming out on 2 CD-ROMS. I rarely see a "complete" episode anymore. Something is always getting cut due to space limitations. I can't think of anything I'd want you to cut, so perhaps you might consider going to 2 CD-ROMS? You could be the first in the industry! Just think of the things you could do with that much space! Well, just a suggestion ... Keep Up The Great Work!!!! K.B. Internet