Game: Warcraft II Title: The Hidden City Scenario: Secrets of Azeroth: 1 Filenames: Hidden.pud (1 player) Hidden.txt (this file) Author: Terence Park Address: 4, Douglas Road, Briercliffe, Lancs, UK, BB10 2JQ Playmode: Strategic New sounds: None Editor used: War2edit.exe Map base: None Map size: 128 x 128 Credits: Tony Stacey and David Stacey for play testing Build time: Five hours Game notes: This is a custom scenario designed for use in Warcraft II. The scenario is set towards the end of the first war of the humans and orcs, and accordingly is anachronistic in that the game engine of Warcraft II allows the development of artefacts etc. which only become available during the course of the second war of humans and orcs, however... Description: The Hidden City It has been seven months since the orcs burst into the world of Azeroth. All around the thick stench of decay and defeat envelopes the land. Your father's keep fell during the sacking of Northshire and you have barely survived. In the rout your father's cleric was mortally wounded while protecting you, his manservant remains with you. The dying cleric spoke of a hidden city who were the guardians of a powerful fragment of the runestone, and of the need to warn them to prevent it falling into the hands of the orcs. He also spoke of finding a lost branch of the elvenkind deep within the forests. The orkish armies blacken the land and you have barely avoided capture innumerable times but you have escaped the immediate war zone. Your new manservant, having tended to the passing of his former master, inquires whether you require a more permanent abode and if you need retainers recruited from other escaped refugees. You know that this resting place will not be safe forever. You know also that you are near to the hidden city. Copyright permission: You may distribute the associated PUD's provided this TXT file is included intact.