This patch will upgrade Hexen v1.0 to Hexen v1.1. Please note that you MUST start with a unmodified version of Hexen v1.1 in order for this patch to work properly. If you have used any shareware add-ons that modify the hexen.exe or hexen.wad file, this patch WILL NOT WORK. If you have a modified version of either of the above files, you will need to re-install the game. If you notice any problems after upgrading to Hexen v1.1, for example the sound does not work, run SETUP.EXE and re-configure your settings. If you're still having problems, attach the patch.out file to a e-mail message and send it to If you recieve an error that says "The date of HEXEN.EXE does not match the date I'm looking for. Search again." Chances are you ahve a modified version of HEXEN.EXE and you will need to exit the installation program, re-install HEXEN from the CD, then try re-installing the patch. ----------------- What's new in 1.1 ----------------- Hexen now includes 8-player IPX network support. This is the only new feature. all other changes are bug fixes and are undocumented.