This file describes how cc-scen works (sort of): Format of the save file: ======================== short int number of arrays long int size of the file (absolute size) [then an entry for each array] long int offset in the file (absolute offset) long int length of the entry (absolute length) [then comes the arrays themself; all entries are short ints] [they are read in as 64x64 arrays] [not all this information is entirely necessary for the scenario editor itself, but is used by some of the other utilities] The arrays are written in this order: map overlay terrain structures units smudge [other utilities expect to find them in this order] Where there are teams in the information (for structures and units), which team owns that unit/structure can be obtained by dividing the value stored by 256. The resulting integer gives these values: 1 GDI 2 Nod 3 Neutral 4 Special (eg a Neutral ARCO would be stored as 0x0321). A note about WCRATE. If these are placed on the map, they give $2000 (like normal). They don't a trigger to work. Default values: =============== When converted to text, the default trigger values for anything that can have triggers is set to None. The hit points are set to maximum (a value of 256), and for the units, the facing variable is set to 0. Values used in the arrays: ========================== Overlay array ------------- 0 empty cell 1 CONC concrete paving 2 SBAG sandbag 3 CYCL cyclone fence 4 BRIK concrete wall 5 BARB barbed wire fence 6 WOOD wooden fence 7 TI1 } 8 TI2 } 9 TI3 } 10 TI4 } 11 TI5 } 12 TI6 } tiberium 13 TI7 } 14 TI8 } 15 TI9 } 16 TI10 } 17 TI11 } 18 TI12 } ------------------------------------------------------ These available only by editing by hand. ------------------------------------------------------ 19 V12 } 20 V13 } 21 V14 } 22 V15 } farmer's fields 23 V16 } 24 V17 } 25 V18 } 26 FPLS ???unknown??? (concentric circles on the ground) ------------------------------------------------------ 27 WCRATE wooden crate (gives money) 28 SCRATE steel crate Terrain Array ------------- 0 emtpy cell 1 T01 } : } various single trees 18 T18 } 19 SPLIT2 blossom tree (version 1) 20 SPLIT3 blossom tree (version 2) 21 TC01 } : } various clumps of trees 25 TC05 } 26 ROCK1 } : } various large rocks 32 ROCK7 } Structures Array ---------------- 0 empty cell 1 TMPL temple of nod 2 EYE adv. comm. centre 3 WEAP weapons factory 4 GTWR guard tower 5 ATWR adv. guard tower 6 OBLI obelisk of light 7 GUN gun turret 8 FACT construction site 9 PROC refinery 10 SILO silo 11 HPAD helipad 12 HQ comm. centre 13 SAM SAM site 14 AFLD runway 15 NUKE power plant 16 NUK2 adv. power plant 17 HOSP hospital 18 BIO bio. lab 19 PYLE barracks 20 HAND hand of nod 21 ARCO arcology (civilian building) 22 FIX repair bay ---------------------------------------------------- These only available by editing by hand. ---------------------------------------------------- 23 V01 } : } various civilian buildings 59 V37 } ---------------------------------------------------- 60 MISS technology centre/prison Units Array ----------- 0 none 1 VICE viceroid 2 FTNK flame tank 3 STNK stealth tank 4 LTNK light tank 5 MTNK medium tank 6 HTNK mammoth tank 7 MHQ mobile HQ 8 LST hovercraft 9 MLRS SSM 10 ARTY mobile artillery 11 HARV harvester 12 MCV MCV 13 JEEP humm-vee 14 BGGY buggy 15 BIKE recon bike 16 MSAM rocket launcher 17 APC APC 18 BOAT gunboat 19 TRIC triceratops 20 TREX tyrannosaurus rex 21 RAPT velociraptor 22 STEG stegasaurus Smudge Array ------------ 0 none 1 SC1 } 2 SC2 } 3 SC3 } 4 SC4 } various scorch marks 5 SC5 } 6 SC6 } 7 CR1 } 8 CR2 } 9 CR3 } 10 CR4 }various craters 11 CR5 } 12 CR6 } --------------------------------------------------- These available only by editing by hand. --------------------------------------------------- 13 BIB1 } 14 BIB2 } don't know what they are 15 BIB3 } ---------------------------------------------------