[0000] This is the english text file for WonderBrush ! ENGLISH 21 {Yes} 49 {No} ABCE {abc directory} 0 {justify} 36 {Maximum letters} 287 {Max X coordinate of letters in gif file} 146 {Max Y coordinate of letters in gif file} [9999] [0500] Here starts the Dialogue boxes text... Exit ? Y / N _ _ [0501] Save the picture ? Y / N _ _ [0502] Delete the picture ? Y / N _ _ [0503] Clear the picture ? Y / N _ _ [0504] Print the picture ? Y / N _ _ [0505] No More Pictures ! Press Space-Bar to proceed [0506] Diskette is full. Save on another ? Y / N _ _ [0507] Printer is not responding press space bar to proceed. [0508] <---- Choose From the menu. Press the Space-Bar to proceed [0509] Paint the picture with given colours ? Y / N _ _ [0600] The help screens start here. Press here to leave the game and to exit to MS-DOS. [0601] Press here to scroll the pre- prepared pictures which you can colour, print, change and save as your own picture. [0602] Press here to scroll the picture that you have created and saved. [0603] This square gives you a white screen to draw your new picture. [0604] You have just activated the help screens. Move the cursor over the different tools on the screen to learn about their functions. Press the left button to cancel the help option. [0605] Press here to print the picture on your printer. [0606] Press here to stop or activate the sound effects which accompany the different tools. [0607] Press here to stop or activate the background music which you choose from the menu. [0608] Press here to undo the last graphic addition to your drawing. [0609] Press here to erase the colours you have added to a pre-prepared picture, or to erase a picture that you have drawn and saved. [0610] Press here to view more tools. [0611] This tool is used to draw squares in any required size. Move the mouse whilst pressing and holding the left button until you set the desired size of your square. [0612] This is the eraser. With this tool you can either erase parts of the drawing or the whole drawing. [0613] This is the drawing pencil. If you click on the pencil you will be able to choose its width. If you wish to change the colour of the pencil then also click on one of the colour boxes below. Additionally if you press the "?" box in the second tool, you will change colours while you draw. [0614] Press here and you will be able to choose letters to add words in your drawing. [0615] Press here and you will be able to use the tools from the first menu. [0616] With this tool you draw bubbles in different shapes, sizes and colours. [0617] With this tool you can draw chains of diagonal lines in chosen or changing colours. [0618] To draw stars, hearts, flowers, letters, numbers and faces in chains, press here. [0619] This is the Wonder-Pencil with which you can draw mirrored lines in chosen colours and directions. If you press "?" whilst in this option it will draw with changing colours. [0620] This tool will enable you to copy parts of the drawing from one place to another on the same screen. [0621] This tool draws ellipses. Move the mouse whilst pressing and holding the left button until you have set the desired set size of your circle. [0622] This option will open a small square window below from which you can choose small ready-drawn pictures to put on the screen in three different sizes.If you press your right button the image will shrink or grow. [0623] To draw a line click on the start point hold your mouse button drag it and let go at the finish point. Additionally if you press the "?" box in the second tool, you will change colours while you draw. [0624] The bucket is used to fill a space with a chosen colour. If you press the right button on the mouse the picture area will be filled with our ready made and chosen colours. [0625] Press here to choose your background music from the lower part of the menu. [0626] This tool draws chains of circles, squares and triangles, in the chosen colour or in changing colours. [0627] SSSSpray... in different chosen colours. [0628] With this tool you can flip the picture, or part of it upside down, or to the side. You can either enlarge the picture or make it smaller. [0629] The "?" (Question mark) has different and changing uses specified in each tool. While this option is active the "?" is changed to a "!" (Exclamation mark). [0630] This is the colour chart. Press twice on the same colour to see it's shades. If you press twice on a shade you will return to the original colour chart. [0631] This is the work space. --------------- Here you can use the amazing tools you received with this programme to create great art, which will probably give you an important place in well-known art galleries around the world. [0632] Here you can see the sub-menu of the active graphic option you are using in this option. ---------- You can choose the line thickness. [0633] Here you can see the sub-menu of the active tool you are using In this option. ---------- You can choose a pattern to fill the squares and ellipses. [0634] Here you can see the sub-menu of the active tool you are using In this option. ---------- Here you can choose a picture. You can move right or left in the chain of 120 pictures. [0635] Here you can see the sub-menu of the active tool you are using In this option. ---------- Here you can select which diagonal lines you will use. [0636] Here you can see the sub-menu of the active tool you are using In this option. ---------- Here you can choose the kind of bubbles to be drawn. [0637] Here you can see the sub-menu of the active tool you are using In this option. ---------- Choose here if you wish to draw stars, hearts, flowers, letters, numbers or faces. [0638] Here you can see the sub-menu of the active tool you are using In this option. ---------- You can decide here if you wish to draw circles, squares or triangles. [0639] Here you can see the sub-menu of the active tool you are using In this option. ---------- Here you choose the kind of spray you wish to paint with. [0640] Here you can see the sub-menu of the active tool you are using In this option. ---------- Here you can select the size of the cut you wish to copy. [0641] Here you can see the sub menu of the active tool you are using In this option. ---------- Here you can choose the size of the eraser you wish to use, or choose the bomb to erase the whole screen. [0642] Here you can see the sub-menu of the active tool you are using In this option. ---------- Press here and you will be able to choose letters to add words to your drawing. To choose a letter use the arrow keys on the box at the bottom. You can click on the right button to make the letter grow or shrink before placing it on the page. [0643] Here you can see the sub-menu of the active tool you are using In this option. ---------- Choose a background music. Use the left and right arrows to hear the different tunes. [0644] Here you can see the sub-menu of the active tool you are using In this option. ---------- Choose here if you wish to flip the picture, enlarge it, or shrink part of it. [0645] Here you can see the sub-menu of the active tool you are using In this option. ---------- Here you select the number of mirrors you wish to draw with. [0646] Leave Empty ! Empty space ! [3000] Not enough memory to run the programme ! Minimum free memory required 550k Programme aborted ! []