WELCOME TO OPTIMUM'S EDUCATIONAL ADVENTURES IN STORY BOOK LAND SOFTWARE DEMO YOUR DISTRIBUTOR IS : PAN EUROPEAN SOFTWARE LTD 99/101 Parkway London NW1 7PP ENGLAND Phone for details of other Optimum Products or to purchase the full product at œ19.99: +44 <0>171-916-5301 +44 <0>171-267-0982. OR FAX +44 <0>171-916-2433 OR COMPUSERVE 100412,2577 We recommend you print this manual. If you require different sound drivers to the ones supplied with this programme please contact your distributor who will issue an update disk if you purchase the full programme. If this programme locks up or crashes it will either be due to insufficient memory or incompatible sound drivers. To run this demo exit this file and use the menu. When you enter the programme you will see at the top of the screen an icon with the word MENU. Move your mouse up to the Icon and 6 New Icons will appear. The right most Icon activates or deactivates the Witch who will try to take your prizes that you win when you answer questions correctly. The one next to it is to exit the programme. The ? button is a help screen. The speaker button turns on and off the speech. The music button turns on and off the music. The case represents your inventory that you have won beware because the wicked witch will try to take these away. To be asked a question click on one of the figures in the picture. In this demo you are able to use one of the screens you need the full product to try them all. To exit the programme from the opening menu screen press escape. THE RANGE OF PRODUCTS: Colours: Teach young children all about colours. Shapes: Teach young children about shapes. Discomix: Create animations for younger children. Puzzles: Nursery Rhyme puzzles for younger children. WonderBrush: Paintbrush programme with sound ,templates, objects an unbelievable suite for younger children. Adventures In Story Book Land: Very young childrens introduction to computers. Ask us for further details.