Artist...Anna Mhoireach(Anna Murray) Album...(Out Of The Blue) Label...Lochshore Cat. No...CDLDL 1219 Review... Anna is very much part of the young tradition that are now an everyday part of the folk world. Now that the word folk is well on the way to loosing the stigma that was attached on it during the late 70s and 80s young musicians seem to be flocking to the genre and Anna Murray is one of the best. Mhoireach's talents lay not only as a vocalist but also as a piper, in her case the tradition Scottish bagpipes as well as the small pipes and chanter and she is looking set to travel the path blazed by the likes of Kathryn Tickell and Catriona MacDonald. "Out Of The Blue" is a collection of traditional tunes and Gaelic songs, with an English translation in the accompanying booklet, together with instrumentation that is of a more Eastern origin. The combination works well as it brings instruments with a single roots, and separate evolutionary paths together in a way that shows how much harmony there is between East & West, at least musically. Anna adds a crystal vocal over the backing for a sound that gently caresses your ears before entering your mind. This is an album that is at heart traditional, but feeding that heart are veins of world music and the result is an album that really is a great fusion of sound coming "Out Of The Blue".