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Wenn Ihr als Antwort auf mein Flehen gekommen seid, dann hrt meinen Berater an cDer Sohn und Bruder meines Herrn sind verschwunden.2Er glaubt, da sein Bruder den Jungen entfhrt hat, um ihn daran zu hindern, den Thron zu erben.2Mein Herr wird denjenigen belohnen, der seinen Sohn rettet.cIch hoffe, Ihr findet meinen Sohn.2Wenn er nicht zurckkommt, wei ich nicht, wer nach mir den Thron besteigen wird.cccBitte helft uns. Ich bin der Bruder des Knigs, dies ist sein Sohn.2Wir wurden vom Berater hierher gebracht, als Teil seines Plans, das Knigreich meines Bruders an sich zu reien.2Der Knig glaubt, ich htte den Jungen entfhrt.Der Berater mischt Drogen in seine Getrnke, damit er seinen Lgen glaubt.2 Knnt Ihr dies meinem Bruder bringen, er wird meine Handschrift erkennen.cWas ist das?( 2Ich kann's nicht glauben.Wachen. Geht ins Verlies und befreit die Gefangenen.2Wie kann ich Euch danken? Ich suche nach dem Ro'Geld von Midgard.  Wit Ihr, wo es ist? 2Ja, es ist in einem Raum am Ende dieser Treppe.2Mein verfluchter Berater war sehr scharf darauf, das Ro'Geld zu beschtzen.2Diese Sperre sollte jetzt weg sein, aber er hat ein paar Fallen hinterlassen, pat also auf.2Danke, ich hoffe Eure Suche hat Erfolg.ccccEs war dumm von mir, mich so von ihm hereinlegen zu lassen.(Ich hoffe, meine Frau verzeiht mir.cIch kann nicht glauben, da ich dieses Riesenvieh bewacht habe.cHallo, seid Ihr gekommen, um zu helfen, meinen Sohn zu suchen?2Das bel fing an, als dieser Berater kam. Ich kann ihn nicht ausstehen.(Versucht, mit den Dienern zu reden... irgendwas scheint ihnen Angst zu machen.cSucht weiter. Meine Hoffnung begleitet Euch.cVielen Dank.Mein Mann und ich knnen nun den angerichteten Schaden beheben.cEtwas Komisches geht hier vor.(Ich sehe seltsame Kreaturen, die nachts durch die Gnge schleichen.2Ich habe es der Kchenmeisterin gesagt, aber sie glaubt, ich bilde mir das ein.2 Wit Ihr, wie ich an dem Verlieswchter vorbeikomme? 2Ihr braucht etwas, das das Zeichen des Knigs trgt.2Es gibt eine Geheimtreppe zu den Rumen des Knigs hinter einem der Gemlde.2Ich lse den Riegel.Vielleicht findet Ihr da oben was.(Sagt bitte niemandem, da ich Euch geholfen habe.cIhr glaubt, da ich diese Kreaturen gesehen habe, nicht wahr?cIhr httet das Gesicht der Meisterin sehen sollen, als es verkndet wurde.2Seither entschuldigt sie sich nur noch.cccccccHit mecHit himcYou cannot pass.You may be from Eadric's village, who we are at war with.cLeave. You do not belong here.cHello traveller. I am Rurik, Chieftain of this village. We are defending our home from, Eadric, the Chieftain of a nearby village.He seems to have allied with Loki's Hakrat warriors in order to defeat us.If you can help us in our struggle we would be very grateful.cWe are still holding out against Eadric.But those Hakrat's are becoming too strong for us.c I bring an offer of peace from Eadric. Let him past.cThis is good news. I couldn't believe that Eadric had sold out.You must find the person responsible for this.The King's son has gone missing. Maybe it's connected with this deception.Here's a pass to get onto his island. Only a few of us have these because security is so tight there.Thank you for your help.cEadric and I have fought together before. It's good to be back together again.Just like the old days. We'll soon beat these ugly brutes.cccccccccccccccccccccccc Huh.   It's a Hakrat! ( Oh.  Sorry, I thought that the Hakrats were attacking again. DcAre you going to find the King's missing son?(If you go to his island he will tell you more.cHello friend, my name is Ander.  Have you been to Rurik's village yet?(He thinks that Eadric has allied with the Hakrats.Eadric thinks that it is Rurik who has allied with them.(Makes you wonder, doesn't it?CcThe king needs help finding his son. Perhaps you could help him?c We'll never defeat those Hakrats. ( They're too strong for us. cYou should be careful around here. We've been at war with Rurik for months now.FcIt all began when those bloody Hakrats appeared.(Sometimes they bring other warriors who use huge claws as weapons.(There's something unnatural about it all.cIs your desire to help or hinder us?(Since Rurik allied with the Hakrats I can only trust members of my own clan.(If you are sincere then I am sorry. But I must protect my people.HcI fear that the final battle will soon be upon us.(I hope that we are up to the challenge.c Here,  this is a peace offering from Rurik. ( You've both been tricked into thinking that the other Chieftain has allied with the Hakrats. (Who could be responsible for this.(Please take this to Rurik quickly, before any more lives are lost.JcI hope Rurik agrees to peace.(Both our villages need to recover.cRurik and I have joined forces against the Hakrats.(Together we are beating them back. Thank you for everything.cccccccccccccccccccccThank you for releasing me.Some Hakrats did this. They bound me up and put me in here. And then ... And then they took my daughter.Several years ago, when Loki lost influence in Midgard, I was part of an expedition that went to Loki's Shrine and destroyed it.I think that they want to repair the shrine to help rebuild Loki's power.They will use my daughter in the ceremony to consecrate the shrine. Could you please save her.You'll need this to get past the portals at the shrine. It's Thor's holy symbol.One of the portals lets males through, the other lets females. I went through the blue one.I hope you save her. She's all I have left.cThank you for saving my daughter.ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccThank you for releasing me.I don't think that I would have lasted much longer.The ceremony was almost complete, I could feel Loki getting stronger.They used this Talisman in the ceremony, It seems to have some power.Please take it in return for what you have done.cIf Loki had been able to restore his power here, he would have become too strong to stop.ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccWir hoffen, dir hat das Spiel Heimdall IIFVielen Dank frs Spielen.             !  "!  @"!  "!   "