System Shock Keyboard Commands S Walk Forward Shift-S Run Forward A Turn Left Shift-A Fast Turn Left D Turn Right Shift-D Fast Turn Right Z Sidestep Left C Sidestep Right X Move Backwards Q Lean Left E Lean Right W Negate Leaning Space/J Jump T Stand Up G Crouch B Lie Prone R Look Up F Center View V Look Down 1-5 Use Left Side Icons 6-0 Use Right Side Icons F1-F5 Select Left MFD F6-F10 Select Right MFD Tab/Shift-Tab Change Current Weapon Enter Fire Weapon Backspace Clear Displays (Fullscreen Mode) Pg Up/Pg Down Change Inventory Page Alt-V Toggle Fullscreen/Mixed screen mode Ctrl-A Fullscreen Automap Ctrl-H Change HUD colors Alt-H Toggle on-line help Alt-O Screen help overlay Ctrl-S Save Game Ctrl-L Load Game Pause,P Pause ESC Options Panel Alt-X Quit ? Keyboard help screens Comments and Errata for the System Shock Playable Demo, v1.0 ============================================================ 1. Sound stuff: For space reasons, we have not included our install program which would automatically set your System Shock configuration file appropriately for your sound card. The demo comes default configured for no sound or digital effects. If you want either sound or digital effects, you will have to edit your cyb.cfg file yourself. In cyb.cfg, you will find, among some other things, the following lines: digi_card -1 digi_io -1 digi_dma -1 digi_irq -1 midi_card -1 midi_io -1 midi_irq -1 digi_card and midi_card are the big ones; they control what sound or effect card the game thinks you have. You can set midi_card or digi_card to the appropriate value from the table below: SoundBlaster 1 SoundBlasterPro (old) 2 SoundBlasterPro (new) 3 SB16 3 Adlib 4 General Midi 12 AWE32 13 midi_irq and midi_io can be set to the appropriate value of your IRQ and I/O base address, respectively. Similarly, digi_io, digi_dma, and digi_irq can be set to your digital I/O address, DMA, and IRQ. These values are in decimal, which may be a bit confusing when setting digi_io and midi_io since those values are normally expressed in hex. Note that if you leave these values as their original -1, System Shock will attempt to use the defaults. So, if you have a vanilla SB16 (card 3), with all default settings, the sound part of your cyb.cfg would look like: digi_card 3 digi_io -1 digi_dma -1 digi_irq -1 midi_card 3 midi_io -1 midi_irq -1 If you had an SB16 (card 3) on digital IRQ 7, and a Waveblaster daughterboard for MIDI (card 12), the sound part of your cyb.cfg would look like: digi_card 3 digi_io -1 digi_dma -1 digi_irq 7 midi_card 12 midi_io -1 midi_irq -1 Gravis Ultrasound users: Although the actual shipping version of System Shock that will be available in stores does support the Gravis Ultrasound, the playable demo does not. We apologize, but the GUS support had to be removed from the playable demo for space reasons. 2. Memory: System Shock requires 4 Megs of memory, including approximately 500k of low memory, in order to play. System Shock will attempt to use more memory than that for additional features, such as higher resolution texture maps, blended bitmaps, and improved cache performance. 3. Playing the Game: System Shock comes with some on-line help tools to help you learn to play the game as quickly as possible. When you first start the game, a screen overlay will appear, labelling the various regions of the game screen. This overlay can be brought up again by hitting Alt-O. In addition, there is an automatic on-line help system that will advise you on how to play the game and manipulate the interface during the early stages of the game. It will turn off automatically after leaving the initial area. If you want to turn it back on again, use Alt-H. There is also a list of keyboard commands, that can be accessed via the ? key. These keyboard commands are also in help.txt, in the same directory as this file. 4. Changes from the Real Game: Since this is, well, a demo version of the game, we've disabled saving and loading. Needless to say, in the real version of the game, you can save and load games. For space considerations, a couple of features regarding the "look" of the game were removed for the demo. Specifically, there are fewer unique textures in the demo than there are in the real level 1, and some anti-aliasing techniques that work in the real game are not in the demo. A few creatures and sound effects that are present in the full game have also been removed for the demo. 5. Running the Game: To run the demo, just type sshock at the DOS prompt after you are done reading this file. Then select "New Game", set your difficulty levels, and have fun! Remember that difficulty level 0 in a given category means that we have attempted to remove that element as much as possible. 6. We hope you enjoy this demo! If you do, the full game should be available by October 1st at a computer software retailer near you. -- System Shock Developent Team LookingGlass Technologies