M A S T E R C L I P S MasteClips is a CD collection containing a staggering 150,000 premium images, fonts , sound samples and videos. On CDReview we're providing you with 300 samples as a special taster. There were 150 last month and there are 150 this month. PC REViEW and IMSI have teamed up to bring PC REViEW readers the chance to buy the full MasterClips 150,000 package at a special rate of just £59.95 (plus £6.50 delivery and VAT = £78.08). The regular selling price is £84.95 + VAT. To order the full collection of 150,000 photos, illustrations, fonts and audio files, all you have to do is type your details into the form you'll find in the PICMIX\MASTER directory and print it out. Then send it off, with your money enclosed to the address or fax number quoted below. Alternatively, telephone or email IMSI with your order quoting the March/April/May issue of PC REViEW. In the PICMIX\MASTER directory on our CD you'll find the following directories: PHOTOS Professional quality photos - great for backdrops. CLIPART Some fantastic clip art. FONTS Contains sample fonts and a help file which shows you how to install them. SOUNDS Contains sample WAV files. Remember, they are all in the PICMIX\MASTER directory. Publisher: IMSI\MasterClips Contact: 0181 581 2000