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Control Square

All selection marquees have a small white square, called a Control Square, along their perimeters.


The Control Square lets you alter the selection's shape or placement, and also lets you de-select the selection when you're finished with it. 

If you right-click while the selection tool is still active, you get a pop-up menu with the following choices:



This choice is available when using the Polygon, Polyline, Freehand, Large Grid and Small Grid tools. Choosing this command turns off the tool and lets the Course Architect know that you've finished making your selection.


Cancel Tool

Choosing this command turns off the tool. When using the Polygon, Polyline, Freehand, Large Grid and Small Grid tools, no selection will be made.

If you want to continue using the tool, click somewhere outside the pop-up menu and it will disappear. 


Right-clicking the Control Square when the selection tool is inactive brings up a menu with some or all of the following choices (depending on the tool you used to create the selection):


Choosing this command puts the selection into Edit mode, which lets you resize, reshape or move the selection. The marquee turns green-and-white to show you're in edit mode.

To resize a rectangle or ellipse: Click on the gray resize square in the upper right-hand corner and drag it until the selection is the desired size and shape.

To reshape a polygon or polyline: Click on a resize square on the marquee. The cursor turns into an arrowhead rather than an arrow. Drag the square to alter the marquee's shape.

To move a rectangle, ellipse or polygon: Move the cursor inside the selected area. The cursor will become four arrows. Click and drag to move a tracing of the selection to its new location.


Include Area

This is the default setting for a selection. Edits made to any selection will affect all others that have this setting chosen.


Exclude Area

Choosing this setting turns the marquee red-and-white. When this setting is chosen, edits made to other selected areas will not affect this selected area. An editing change made inside this selection will affect only the single spot where the change was made, not the entire selected area.


Apply Changes

Choosing this command applies the changes of size, shape and position you've made to this selection while in Edit mode.

You can also apply the changes by double-clicking inside the changed selection.



This command brings up a dialog box telling you the type of tool used to create this selection, the total area enclosed within the marquee, and the altitude of the highest and lowest points within the selection.



This command, which does not appear in Edit mode, copies the selection to the Clipboard so it can be pasted elsewhere in the course. The copy will include the size and shape of the selection as well as any relief features, terrain types and objects inside it.


Copy to Library

This command, which does not appear in Edit mode, does the same thing as Copy to Library under the Edit menu.



This command turns off the marquee so the area is no longer selected.


Pen Width

This command is available only for the Polyline and Freehand Tools. If you choose the tool and right-click in the Top View before you draw your line, then choose this command, you can choose how narrow or wide a line you want to draw. The line will be this number of small grid squares wide. The smaller the number, the finer the point on your "pen." You may choose a value between 1 and 32.

You can also change the width of the line after you've drawn it. With the line still selected, cancel the tool by clicking the Default Cursor button, then choose the Pen Width command by right-clicking the line's Control Square.


Make Highway

This command, which does not appear in Edit mode, is available only for the Polyline Tool. It lets you place a row of objects along a specific path. Choosing the command brings up the Highway dialog box.


Clicking in the big box on the right brings up a series of thumbnail pictures of the different objects you can place in the selected area. Clicking on one of the pictures selects that object.

The left-hand side shows you the total length of the line. You can enter the number of objects you want to place, and the Step box shows how far apart that number of objects will be spaced. You can change the size of the objects by entering a number between 1 and 255 in the Scale box. If you check the Mirror box, the objects will be flipped left-for-right when they appear in the Camera View.


Add Point

This command is available only when you're in Edit mode on a Polyline. Choosing the command inserts a new pivot point in the line to be maneuvered as you wish.


Delete Point

This command is available only when you're in Edit mode on a Polyline. Choosing the command and then applying changes deletes the pivot point you clicked on.


Woodrow Wilson had a knack for being on the golf course when crises happened. He is credited with playing more golf than any other president. He played year-round and as many as six games a week in the summer.