F L I P O U T! On your first visit to Flip Out! you're bound to think, "Well, what's all this about then?" Don't worry, it isn't nearly has difficult as it looks. Just follow these instructions and you'll soon discover that it's a whole lot of fun. Your aim in Flip-Out is to match the many coloured pieces with the many coloured squares. When all the pieces and squares match you proceed to the next level. At the start of the game all the pieces lie on the correct squares. Press your flip key (Right Ctrl by default) and all the pieces will fly into the air and land in a random order. It's your job to re-establish order. The key thing to remember is that you have to keep at least one piece in the air at all times. If all the pieces hit the floor its game over. When your last piece is nearing the floor press Ctrl again to flip it up. When flipped, a piece will land on the square you are highlighting. To change the destination of the piece in the air use the cursor keys to move your highlight around. The demo has the first and last level from the Cheese Planet game. You'll be going from the tranquil first level straight into the hectic 12th level which features a selection of wandering aliens who try their hardest to get in the way of your flipping. Next month you've got a demo of the Mount Rushmore section of the game to look forward to. This involves flipping parts of the mountain side to reconstruct the faces Look out for it next month. Publisher: GameTek Contact: 01753 854 444 Minimum System: P75, 8MbRAM, Windows 95