M A S T E R C L I P S MasteClips is a CD collection containing a staggering 101,000 premium images, fonts , sound samples and videos. On CDReview we're providing you with 300 samples as a special taster. There are 150 this month and 150 next month. In the MASTER directory on our CD you'll find the following directories: PC REViEW and IMSI have teamed up to bring PC REViEW readers the chance to buy the full MasterClips package at a special rate of just £48.76 (£35 plus £6.50 delivery and VAT). See the order form in the MASTER directory for more information. PHOTOS Professional quality photos - great for backdrops. CLIPART Some fantastic clip art. FONTS Contains sample fonts and a help file which shows you how to install them. SOUNDS Contains sample WAV files. Publisher: MasterClips Contact: 0181 581 2000