Animaniacs(TM) Demo: A Gigantic Adventure(TM) Demo Manual ************************************************************* Copyright © 1999 SouthPeak Interactive LLC, Cary, NC, USA. All Rights Reserved. ANIMANIACS, characters, names and all related indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros. © 1999. SouthPeak Interactive and the SouthPeak Interactive logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of SouthPeak Interactive LLC. ® indicates U.S.A. registration. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS NOTICE Use duplication or disclosure of this software and related documentation by the U.S. government is subject to the Agreement with SouthPeak Interactive LLC and the Restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights (June 1987) ************************************************************* Table of Contents ========================================== I - System Requirements II - Installation III - Controls IV - The Menus V - Sound VI - Help Text VII - Contact Information VIII - Multi-Player Internet IX - Playing Animaniacs(TM) Demo: A Gigantic Adventure(TM) on the Zone I. System Requirements ========================================== 166MHz processor Microsoft Windows 95/98 32MB RAM 2MB of free disk space 4x CD-ROM 2MB PCI video adapter with DirectX compatible drivers 16-Bit Windows compatible sound card with DirectX compatible drivers Microsoft compatible mouse Gamepad, joystick or keyboard DirectX 6.0 (Included) 28.8 modem speed (for Internet play) II. Installation ========================================== 1. Run the setup file to begin installation and follow the onscreen prompts. 2. To uninstall the Animaniacs(TM) Demo: A Gigantic Adventure(TM), go to the "Start Menu/Program Files/SouthPeak Interactive/ A Gigantic Adventure Demo/Uninstall A Gigantic Adventure Demo" Disable screen savers for optimal performance. III. Controls ========================================== Animaniacs(TM) Demo: A Gigantic Adventure(TM) Demo, supports keyboard, gamepad, and joystick controllers. Following are the default controls for the keyboard, gamepad, and joystick controllers. In the Options portion of the Menus, you can change any of these default settings. Playing the game with Caps Lock turned on makes your character run instead of walk, just like holding down the shift key. Keyboard run - shift jump - control throw/hit - space turn to operate - up arrow walk left - left arrow walk right - right arrow duck or drop down - down arrow Game pad run - A(1) jump - B(2) throw/hit - C(3) turn to operate - up walk left - left walk right - right duck or drop down - down Joystick (3 button) run - A(1) jump - B(2) throw/hit -C(3) turn to operate - up walk left - left walk right - right duck or drop down - down F1 - Help F5 - Save Game F7 - Restore Load Game F8 - Turn Off Interface F9 - Exit to Control Booth F10 - Quit Game Controllers (Gamepad and Joysticks) The Auto-Repeat Button on Gamepads and Joysticks cause unpredictable results and are not supported. Please make sure you have turned off Auto-Repeat Game play problems can arise if you don't have the proper device drivers for your gamepad or joystick, and if you haven't calibrated their performance before using them. Device Drivers for Gamepads and Joysticks Device Drivers are special code packages that are used to allow a hardware device to interface with the Windows 95/98 operating system of your computer. The device drivers for your gamepad or joystick usually ships with the hardware. Windows 95 also includes some default device drivers that might work with your game controller, and you can also go to most of the game controller manufacturers' websites to get updated and patched versions of their device drivers. Checking which Game Controller Device Drivers are active for your Gamepad or Joystick. 1. Click the Windows 95/98 start button. 2. Select the "Settings" option 3. Select "Control Panel." 4. From the Control Panel find the Game Controllers icon and select it. 5. A Dialog Window with tabs will appear. 6. On the "General" tab will be a list of the current Game Controller device drivers. 7. If your Controller is listed, and the status is "OK" then you are ready to test and calibrate. (See the section on Calibrating and Testing A Gamepad or Joystick). 8. If your joystick of gamepad controller is NOT on the list, you will have to add it. Adding a Device Driver for a Gamepad or Joystick 1. Click the Windows 95/98 start button. 2. Select the "Settings" option 3. Select "Control Panel." 4. From the Control Panel find the Game Controllers icon and select it. 5. A Dialog Window with tabs will appear. 6. On the "General" tab will be a list of the current Game Controller device drivers. 7. Remove any Game Controllers that are NOT on your computer by highlighting the particular controller in the Controller list, and clicking the "Remove" button. 8. Click the "Add" button. 9. From the "Add Game Controller" list, select the controller that matches your hardware. If a match is not found, click the "Add Other" button. 10.Find the manufacturer of your game controller and click to highlight them. 11.Find your game controller model and click to highlight it. If it is not on the list, or if you have a later version, click the "Have Disk" button and install the device driver from the disk. 12.Once you have added the game controller device driver, you need to calibrate and test it. Calibrating and Testing a Gamepad or Joystick 1. Click the Windows 95/98 start button. 2. Select the "Settings" option 3. Select "Control Panel." 4. From the Control Panel find the Game Controllers icon and select it. 5. A Dialog Window with tabs will appear. 6. On the "General" tab will be a list of the current Game Controller device drivers. 7. If your gamepad device driver is not on the list you will need to add it. (See Adding a Device Driver) 8. Click on the Properties button. 9. A dialog window with tabs will appear. 10.Select the Test tab and follow the instructions. IV. Menus ========================================== In Game Main Menu: During game play, pressing the Escape key gives you a menu of eight choices. Control Booth The Control Booth option automatically returns you to the control booth, where you can choose a new game. Options The Options button provides you with a list of features you can customize for your individual game playing needs. High Score Select this button to view the current list of the top ten scores. Replay In single player mode, Replay will reset you to the last checkpoint. You will not lose a life. In two player mode, Replay wil cause it to be the other player's turn. It will reset the current player to the last checkpoint and they will not lose a life. Help The Help screen gives you information that will help you play A Animaniacs(TM) Demo: A Gigantic Adventure(TM). Exit The Exit button allows you to quit the game. V. Sound ========================================== Within the game, the sound balancing between soundFXs and the CD music have internal adjustments (Sound from the Options Menu). If the soundFXs are not loud enough when set to maximum within the game, it means the CD and WAV volume settings for your Windows sound support system need to be adjusted. At the Windows Sound Device Volume Controls Dialog Window, tune the WAV volume up to increase the range for Animaniacs' SoundFXs, and turn the CD volume down to lower the Animaniacs' Music range. A good balance setting at the Windows control area will result in an excellent voice/soundfxs mix when playing the game. VI. Help Text ========================================== Red switches activate platforms Purple switches open doors Pull combination switches for a surprise! Blue balloons go up and down You can steer red balloons Push books to reach higher places Bouncy objects give great height Slippery surfaces make you out of control Defy gravity with atomic balls! Powerups make you invincible! VII. Contact Information ========================================== Please visit SouthPeak Interactive's web site at to obtain additional information or contact our Technical Support team. Technical Support - United States and Canada Email: Phone: (919) 677-9775 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. Eastern time Monday thru Friday and 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern time Saturday & Sunday Technical Support - Australia Email: Telephone: 001144 1429 855061 09:00 - 19:00 Eastern Standard Time Technische Hilfe - Deutschland (Germany) Email: Telephone: 44 1429 855061 09:00 - 19:00 GMT L'information Technique - France Email: Telephone: 44 1429 855061 09:00 - 19:00 GMT Technical Support - United Kingdom Email: Telephone: 01429 855061 09:00 - 19:00 GMT We will be able to help you more quickly if you have the following information available when you contact us: - The brand name of your computer - The type of CPU and its operating speed (e.g. Pentium-166mhz) - The operating system and version (e.g.. Windows 95) - The amount of RAM in your computer - The brand name and model of sound card in your computer - The brand name and model of video card in your computer - Speed of CD-ROM Drive - The amount of video memory (VRAM) in your computer VIII. Multi-Player Internet ========================================== Connect to your Internet Service Provider (ISP) You must sign up at the "the Zone" website to initiate internet play. Go to where you will receive a login and password. If you already have a login for "the Zone" it will take you to the 'Animaniacs' room. There you can either choose to be a host or join a game that has not been started yet. Through an interface screen, the players will determine the number of participants. (Color shields will represent each player on other player's screens during play) Once all players are ready to play the host controls when the game play begins by clicking on the "launch" button. Play will begin when all players have clicked "play" Two to four players may compete in a game in which they race through a level fighting villains and navigating obstacles while collecting as many film cans as possible. You can choose from five special Internet levels. Each player's score is based on how fast the player can complete the level and the number of film cans collected. Each film can subtracts from the player's time (three seconds per can). For example, if Player 1 completes the level in 100 seconds and collects 30 film cans, then the adjusted time is 10 seconds. If Player 2 completes the level in 125 seconds and collects 40 cans, then the adjusted time is 5 seconds. In that scenario, Player 2 wins (even though it took him/her a little longer in real time to complete the level). Players will play the alternating siblings that are dedicated to the specific level. Since all of the objects and villains are on the player's own surface, players cannot take objects away from competitor's field. The player's characters cannot interact with each other. This image of opponents will only display when the player is within screen range view. This way players can view other player's strategy and style of play and monitor their progress. Competitors that fall behind or get far ahead will not be within screen view. A final board will display the player ranking and score and time. IX. Playing Animaniacs(TM) Demo: A Gigantic Adventure(TM) on "the Zone" ========================================== 1. Make sure both the 'A Gigantic Adventure(TM)' and "the Zone" software is installed on your computer system. 2. Place your 'A Gigantic Adventure(TM)' disc in the CD-ROM drive. When the game launcher appears, do not start the game; instead, exit from it. 3. Connect to your Internet Service Provider and launch either Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. 4. Type and press Enter. 5. At "the Zone" Web site, click Games List and an entire list of games will appear. 6. Find 'A Gigantic Adventure(TM)' in the Games List and click it. 7. Type your Member ID and password in the Sign In window. Click OK and "the Zone" 'A Gigantic Adventure(TM)' page will appear. 8. Begin playing by clicking one of the 'A Gigantic Adventure(TM)' rooms listed in the game room window. 9. A list of game tables will appear. Move your mouse over any one of them. If a table is unoccupied, a host icon will appear. To host a game, click the host icon and wait for other players to join. Use the chat feature to recruit other players. When all players are logged on and ready to go, click Launch to begin. Note: If you are hosting a game and decide to quit, the first player who joined your game will become the host. 10. You can also join a game hosted by another player. Move your mouse over a table and click Join to add your name to the game, and wait for the host to launch it. Next to each player's name is a latency indicator. The latency indicator shows how fast your current connection is to each player. If you are joining a game, it is recommended that you connect to a host with a green latency indicator.