Thank you for downloading the Simply3D 3 trial version. The trial version has the following limitations: * The full Help file is available only as a separate download. You can download it from the same Web page you used to download this trial version. Please note that the full Help file describes features that are not included in this trial version. * You can save Simply3D scenes in the S3D format only. In the full version, you can also save scenes as BMP, TGA, TIF, GIF, JPG, AVI, FLC, Animated GIF, Sequential TGA, IVR, and WRL files. * The trial version includes only one small catalog. The full version includes 23 catalogs, with 1000 objects, 800 materials, 100 animations, 50 lighting schemes, and 80 deformations. * You cannot open and extrude 2D shapes in DRW, DSF, or CDR files. In the full version, you can open 2D files in several additional formats. * When you finish creating a 3D scene using the Project wizard, you can only add it to a new Simply3D project. Additional output options, including printing and saving in other formats, are available in the full version. * You cannot preview thumbnails of supported files before opening them. * You cannot print a scene directly from the program. * You cannot copy a rendered scene to the clipboard. * OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) is not available in the trial version. The full version is OLE 2.0 compliant.