----------------------------------------- European Air War Demo ----------------------------------------- (c) 1998 MicroProse Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1942 The Pacific Air War and MICROPROSE are U.S. registered trademarks and European Air War is a trademark of MicroProse, Inc. or its affiliated companies. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. 3D models in Demo Splash Screen by REM Infografica TM. ABOUT EUROPEAN AIR WAR -------------------------------------------- In early September of 1939, Great Britain and France declared war on Germany, just two days after the invasion of Poland. Less than a year later, France would be occupied and England fighting for her own independence. The conflict flared on ground and at sea, but it would be in the air that the war was won. From the Battle of Britain in the summer of 1940 until the day of Axis capitulation five years later, the war raged on with each side struggling to control the skies over western Europe. With only a thin skin of metal as a shield, the daring pilots of these fighter planes had little room for error. Relying on their skill, accuracy, and will to survive, they took their fates in their own hands, and failure often proved fatal. In European Air War, you step into the cockpit of a 1940's fighter plane and join your country's daily struggle to achieve air superiority. Welcome to the demo version, brought to you by MicroProse Software. This demo is intended to give you just a taste of what you can expect to see in the final version of EAW, arriving this Fall at a software retailer near you. Thanks for taking the time to check out what we've been up to lately, we hope you're pleased with what you see. Good flying, pilot! - The EAW Team SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS -------------------------------------------- * Pentium 166 (without Hardware Acceleration) * Pentium 133 (with Hardware Acceleration) * Windows 95 * DirectX version 5.0 or higher * 32MB RAM * Hard Drive with 22 MB free * DirectSound-compatible Sound card * Mouse Recommended -------------------------------------------- * Pentium 200 * Hardware Accelerator card * DirectX-compatible joystick, throttle and rudder pedals EAW requires DirectX 5.0 in order to run. If you don't currently have DirectX 5.0 (or above) on your system, you can download it from http://www.microsoft.com/directx/download.asp. INSTALLATION -------------------------------------------- 1. Locate the EAW DEMO folder and open it. 2. Run SETUP.EXE. 3. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the European Air War Demo. STARTING UP -------------------------------------------- To launch the demo, go to your Start menu, then go to Programs, then to European Air War Demo, then select European Air War Demo. You can skip this step by either checking off the option to create a shortcut on your desktop, or by choosing to play the demo immediately; both of these options are available at the end of the installation. MAIN MENU -------------------------------------------- Once the game starts up, you'll see the Main Menu screen with a series of options, most of which are grayed out for the Demo. The available options are. Quick Start This demo offers an "abridged" version of the Quick Start, allowing you to select 2 fighter planes (out of the full game's 20) and jump right into the middle of an encounter. You'll be able to pick your plane after clicking on Quick Start with your mouse cursor. Also, there are only two mission types available in this demo, one for each plane. The missions are detailed below in the Flying with the USAAF and Flying with the Luftwaffe sections. Please note: this demo will time-out after 5 minutes of gameplay. [In the full version of the game, the plane assigned to you will be the one that you'd selected the last time you'd played, and the mission you fly will be randomly chosen from the 3 Air-to-Air missions offered.] Configure Game This option allows you to configure your game settings, and opens up 3 (active) sub-menus; Control, Graphics and Sound. Control allows you to fully reconfigure your in-game controls however you like. Graphics let's you set detail levels and toggle game features on and off (this is especially helpful for those with lower-end machines, to improve the game's frame rate, if necessary). Sound offers a variety of music and sound effect options and settings that you can adjust. Note: For this demo version, we’ve set a few of the difficulty options for you, so you’ll have Unlimited Ammunition, No Blackouts/Redouts, and No Stall. These settings (along with others, such as Realistic Flight Model, No Engine Torque, etc.) will be fully configurable in the final version of European Air War. Main Menu Options Not Available in Demo Version -------------------------------------------- Single Mission Design and fly individual missions for either the Axis or the Allies. Single Missions are a good way to practice in preparation for a piloting career, with fully configurable mission parameters, including mission type (pick 1 of 5), aircraft type (yourself, your wingmen, your enemies), aircraft activity level, pilot skill level, home base, target, weather conditions, time period, etc. Pilot Career Start your career as a pilot for the RAF, USAAF, or Luftwaffe. Name your pilot and fly a series of missions in one of our dynamic campaigns. Campaigns offered in the final version of the game will be the Battle of Britain, the European Theater 1943, and 1944. Multiplayer Test your aerial combat skills against the skills of up to 7 of your friends (8 pilots total). This feature offers both co-op and head-to-head gameplay, with the standard 5 mission types, plus "Total Mayhem," in which it's every pilot for himself. EAW's Multiplayer mode supports IPX for LAN play, TCP/IP for Internet or LAN play, and modem and serial connections for two player games. Newsreel Watch historical film footage about several of the major aerial operations that you'll be taking part in while playing European Air War. View Objects Take an up-close look at the 30 aircraft in European Air War. FLYING WITH THE U.S.A.A.F. -------------------------------------------- Demo Plane: North American P-51D Mustang Considered to be the best fighter of the war by many, the Mustang originated as an under-powered, low-altitude attack aircraft with an Allison engine meant for export. However, when mated with a Rolls-Royce Merlin 61 engine, the Mustang was transformed from a modest low-level fighter-bomber to an excellent high-altitude escort fighter. With a pair of drop tanks, the Mustang could escort bombers from England to anywhere in Germany. Entering service in early 1944, the Mustangs were to be a vital lifeline for the American bomber crews throughout the remainder of the war. P-51D Plane Statistics Wingspan: 37 ft 0 in. Length: 32 ft 3 in. Height: 13 ft 8 in. Wing Area: 233 sq ft Engine: Rolls-Royce/Packard Merlin V-1650-7 rated at 1,720 hp Fuel: 270 gal internal Loaded Weight: 10,100 lb Wing Loading: 43 lb/sq ft Maximum Speed: 437 mph Service Ceiling: 41,900 ft Rate of Climb: 3,500 ft/min Combat Radius: 450 miles Armaments: 6 x .50 cal. Browning machine guns Mission for the P-51D: Escort Flight Escorts protect other aircraft, most often ungainly bombers, from enemy planes as they fly toward and over a target area. Frequently, escorts pass in the wake of a fighter sweep, which attempts to poke holes in the air defense system around the mark. Escorts hover near their more vulnerable compatriots, straying only as far as needed to protect against enemy threats. The survival of escort planes is incidental; their primary concern is to give the convoy safe passage to the target. This demo mission starts you just as the B-17s you’re escorting are coming under fire by German fighters. Protect those bombers! FLYING WITH THE LUFTWAFFE -------------------------------------------- Demo Plane: Focke-Wulf Fw190A-8 The Focke-Wulf Fw190, designed by Kurt Tank, is considered Germany's best fighter of the war. When the first version entered service in 1941, it showed marked superiority to its opponents in almost every aspect. They could outrun, out-turn and outclimb anything they encountered. However, the later models (such as A-8, modeled in the game) were primarily aimed at bomber intercepts and carried more firepower and armor, and were considerably heavier and less maneuverable. Heavily armed with four 20mm cannons and two machine guns, it was the Allied bombers' most dreaded enemy. Fw190A-8 Plane Statistics Wingspan: 34 ft 5 in. Length: 29 ft 0 in. Height: 13 ft 0 in. Wing Area: 197 sq ft Engine: BMW 801A rated at 1,700 hp (up to 2,100 hp with MW-50 boost) Fuel: 138 gal internal Loaded Weight: 9,750 lb Wing Loading: 49 lb/sq ft Maximum Speed: 408 mph Service Ceiling: 37,400 ft Rate of Climb: 3,600 ft/min Combat Radius: 165 miles Armaments: 4 x 20mm MG-151 cannons, 2 x 13mm MG-131 machine guns Mission for the FW190A-8: Intercept Intercepts are defensive flights dispatched to head off enemy aircraft, often bombers en route to a target area. The goal of an intercepting pilot is to use whatever means necessary to disrupt and disband attacking formations before they can inflict any damage, simultaneously staving off any air support their targets have most likely brought with them. This demo mission starts you just as you and your wingmen descend on a group of B-17s flying with supporting P-51Ds. Destroy those bombers and watch your six! THE BASICS -------------------------------------------- This section is your basic flight instruction. Any of you who have experience with piloting, especially combat flying, can probably skip over this part. The rest of you had better pay attention. The Four Forces and Torque -------------------------------------------- There are four basic physical forces that you have to worry about when you're flying a propeller-driven aircraft. Most textbooks stop with these, but there's more; if you don't know about torque, you'll end up like the many inexperienced pilots whose careers (and, too often, their lives) were ended trying to land without taking the torque of their plane into account. 1) Gravity is easy to understand; you deal with it every day. Your plane and everything in it are attracted to the surface of the earth. The more weight (technically, mass) on your plane, the greater the attraction. If there were no other forces acting on your plane, gravity would pull it to the ground and keep it there. 2) Drag would limit how fast you would fall. In simple terms, drag is the resistance the air offers to anything trying to move through it. A moving aircraft with no force impelling it would quickly slow down and stop because of the drag of the air around it. 3) Thrust is how you force your plane through all that drag. The spinning propeller pushes air backward, which action results in Newton's equal and opposite reaction--a forward motion of the entire aircraft. In a jet engine, air is taken in through the front (the "intake") and the oxygen in that air is burned with fuel, causing exhaust. This exhaust leaves the rear of the engine at tremendous speed, which causes the same sort of forward thrust as a spinning propeller, but much more of it. 4) Lift is what keeps you in the air. The curvature of the wing causes air to move faster going over the top of the wing than it does going under. As a side effect of the law of conservation of momentum, this faster-moving air has a lower pressure than the slower air, and the difference in pressure between the bottom and top surfaces of the wing lifts it. When the lift on both wings is great enough, the plane is held aloft. With lift and thrust both working to counteract nature's attempts to keep your plane from moving, it flies. The angle at which the wings meet the airflow, the "angle of attack", affects the amount of lift produced. 5) Torque is twisting power. In an aircraft, the torque you need to worry about is caused by radial engines. These engines rotate in only one direction, and that direction coincides with the roll axis of the plane. Some of the torque generated by the engine's rotation is transferred to the body of the plane, which makes the plane try to rotate in the opposite direction as the engine (usually counterclockwise--the left wing tends downward). If the pilot does not compensate for this, the torque will cause the plane to roll. This is especially dangerous at low airspeeds and when landing. The Three Axes -------------------------------------------- An aircraft can move in an essentially unlimited number of directions. For simplicity, however, we use a system of reference based on three axes of motion. By design, these axes correspond to the three main types of aircraft motion that you can control. * Roll is rotation of the plane around its length. What this means in simple terms is tipping the plane to the right or left. * Pitch is rotation of the plane around the line of the wings. That is, tilting the nose up and down. * Yaw is rotation of the plane around its vertical axis. If you were looking at the top of the aircraft, moving the nose to the left or right (the tail would move in the opposite direction) would be yaw. Control Surfaces -------------------------------------------- Manipulating the basic forces is how you control the movement of your plane. Your engine provides the thrust, thus you have control over thrust. Two of the forces--drag and lift--do not act on all parts of the plane equally. Aircraft designers have taken advantage of that fact to build in features that let you control the plane. These features are called the "control surfaces." Elevators These are vertically-tilting sections of the horizontal part of the tail that you use to affect the pitch of the plane. You control them with the forward and back movements of the stick. When the elevators are down (stick forward), the nose tilts down. This is called "lessening the angle of attack," and it causes the plane to dive. Up elevators, conversely, tilt the nose up, and the plane climbs. Ailerons These are similar to the elevators, only they're on the wings. When you move the stick to either side, one aileron goes up and the other one goes down. This means that one wing gains some extra lift, and the other one loses lift. The former wing rises, and the latter drops. Your aircraft banks in the direction you moved the stick. Flaps/Slats Built into the backs of the wings are flaps, which you can extend or retract as necessary. These are used most often during landing, but they do have the occasional other purpose. Extending the flaps ("flaps down") has several results. First, lift is increased, so the plane rises; next, drag is also increased, so the plane slows. Overall (and this is most important), the flaps lower the speed at which the aircraft will stall. This means that, when landing, you can approach more slowly without stalling or, conversely, dive to a landing more steeply (because the flaps slow you), then "flare"--bring the nose up sharply just before touching down--and the flaps will kill most of your speed. Keep in mind that when you retract the flaps ("flaps up"), the plane will drop a bit. Some pilots use partial flaps for extra lift during take-off. If you are one of these, do not raise your flaps too soon after take-off, or you may find yourself at a negative altitude. Note that in addition to flaps, the German Me109 also has 'slats' built into the front of each wing. These provide much the same function as flaps. Rudder The rudder is a horizontally tilting section of the vertical part of the tail that you use to affect the yaw of the plane. When the rudder moves left or right, the nose yaws to that direction. Not using the rudder in turns can cause a rough ride, and ruddering can be crucial for lining up shots, straight approach for landing, and recovering from a spin. Inertia -------------------------------------------- All good pilots are aware of the effects of inertia on their aircraft and on their bodies. One definition of inertia is "the tendency of any object to resist a change to its state of motion." What that means is that if your body or your plane is sitting still, it wants to stay that way; if it is moving in a particular direction at a particular velocity, it wants to retain that speed and heading. While in flight, inertia makes maneuvers more difficult at higher speeds. The faster your plane is moving, the more inertia it has in the direction of movement. Thus, the engine and control surfaces have to do more work to get the plane to change direction. The most noticeable problem inertia causes is g forces. The 'g' is a standard abbreviation for acceleration due to gravity; in this case it is used to denote any acceleration experienced by the plane and pilot. Whenever you change direction, you are subject to g's. If you turn to the side (as in yawing or banking), you're putting a centripetal acceleration on the plane and your body. Inertia (often mistakenly called "centrifugal force") tries to keep you moving in your original direction, causing "transverse g's." When you turn downward, "negative g's" make you feel lighter, as in a dropping elevator. If you turn upwards, as when pulling out of a dive, "positive g's" push you down into your seat. Positive and negative g's entail risks-blackouts, redouts, and potential mortality. Level Flight -------------------------------------------- Level flight is accomplished when all the forces are in balance. In this state, the plane moves at a constant speed without changing its altitude. Most of the aircraft in European Air War are stable by design. That means that if you leave the controls alone, a correctly trimmed airplane will (eventually) go into level flight at a particular speed and altitude. This is also called "trimmed flight". If the plane is going faster than the trimmed speed, then it tends to pitch up and slow down. If it is going slower than the trim, the plane tends to pitch down and speed up. A gentle hand on the stick and perhaps a little rudder is all it takes to maintain level flight. If you find it difficult to level your plane, the control surfaces (rudder, ailerons, and such) may have been damaged. Acceleration and Deceleration -------------------------------------------- Acceleration and deceleration-speeding up and slowing down-are primarily governed by the effects of thrust, drag, and gravity on the aircraft. To increase your speed, you can increase the thrust (add throttle), decrease drag (pull in your landing gear), or trade altitude for speed (dive). To slow down, decrease thrust (less throttle), increase drag (take a turn), or fight gravity (climb). In general, more throttle means higher speed, and less means lower speed. Drag is affected by many factors, including the angle of attack, altitude, and airspeed of the aircraft, as well as the flaps and landing gear settings. Level Climb and Level Descent (Rising and Falling) -------------------------------------------- Level climb and level descent--gaining and losing altitude without changing the pitch of the aircraft--are accomplished by changing the amount of lift generated by the wings. To start a level climb, increase throttle. This increases the speed of the aircraft, and thus the amount of lift generated, and the aircraft climbs gradually. To lose altitude without gaining speed, cut back on the throttle. The reduced speed generates less lift, and the aircraft descends gradually. Green pilots tend to fly at full throttle all of the time. Doing so consumes more fuel, and your engines can overheat, os it's probably not the best plan of action. A veteran pilot knows the cruising speed of the plane and maintains that speed until a combat situation arises. This conserves fuel for the important part of the flight¾keeping yourself alive during the minutes of aggressive flying during a dogfight. Climbs and Dives -------------------------------------------- Climbs and dives are more dramatic ways of gaining and losing altitude. To climb, pull back on the stick. The farther you pull, the steeper the climb will be. Keep in mind that the steepness of any climb is limited by your airspeed and the capabilities of the aircraft. The best angle of climb (and most efficient) for most aircraft is about 20 degrees above the horizon, at full throttle. To dive, push forward on the stick. The farther you push, the steeper the dive. Be forewarned that a steep dive will cause you to gain airspeed rapidly. Remember also that quick, steep dives are the main cause of redouts. Combat pilots who want to lose altitude quickly will not normally push the stick forward. Instead, they flip the plane over, then pull back on the stick to "climb" downward. Repeating the flip and climb straightens the plane out again, or you can continue the downward "climb" and end up pointing back the way you came (if you have room; otherwise, you end up as a lawn dart). Simple Turns (Banking) -------------------------------------------- To perform a simple turn, push the stick to either side. The plane rolls in that direction, which redirects the wings' lift (remember, wing lift acts in whatever direction the top of the wing is facing, not necessarily straight up). The plane "banks" to that side, and you turn in that direction. Pulling back on the stick tightens the turn. You will notice that you lose speed as you turn, the nose starts to drift downward, and you begin to lose altitude. Add throttle to speed up, then pull back on the stick and ease the rudder in the opposite direction to counter this drop. For every aircraft there is an optimum airspeed for making nice, tight turns. If you are flying faster than this optimum, your turn will be more open than necessary; if you are below the optimum airspeed, you will lose altitude more quickly. Final Advice -------------------------------------------- You can learn more advanced maneuvers from watching your fellow pilots, especially your flight leader. Analyzing the tactics of the enemy is another good way to learn. (According to Sun Tzu, your enemy is the most important teacher of all.) During dogfights, though, you're usually quite busy, and there's rarely time for analyzing every move. Just keep your eyes open and do the best that you can. Time will tell how well you did. DOGFIGHTING -------------------------------------------- The term 'dogfighting' refers to a close-quarters combat between aircraft. It evokes romantic images of World War I flying aces: the Red Baron bravely manning his triplane, scarf swirling in the slipstream. Yet a dogfight is anything but elegant. Your sole aim is to give the enemy a worm's-eye view of the world before he does the same to you. Speed, maneuverability, and a stout machine will all stand you in good stead, but in a dogfight there is no substitute for pilot skill-except maybe luck. Fighter pilots entering battle must believe that they're at least as good as the next guy, and that means practice. Only over time can a pilot establish a repertoire of trusted oves, and only through extensive combat experience can he cultivate a strong situational awareness. These are the tools that will see him through a dogfight. The type of plane in which you enter a dogfight is important; generally speaking, the more maneuverable it is, the better you'll fare. More important, however, is to know and exploit your craft's strengths. A bomber cedes the advantage of maneuverability to a lightweight fighter. However, if he plans it right, the bomber pilot has nothing to fear in close- uarters combat. Because of his craft's great weight, he can pick up plenty of speed in a dive and can show a clean pair of heels to most other aircraft. Anyone senseless enough to follow a diving bomber too closely sets himself up directly in the sights of the tail gunner. A few basic rules apply to dogfights. As in most forms of aerial combat, the higher plane has a distinct advantage. And while a plane at a slower speed is more maneuverable than a faster moving craft and has a tighter turn, it is also an easier mark. Against another fighter, strive to get in position behind and slightly above him; from there you can dictate the course of the fight. Conversely, don't let your enemy linger long in that position (unless you feel you can spare a few tail feathers). TIPS ON PLAYING -------------------------------------------- "Getting on their 6" - Ace pilots fire only when they can "touch" their enemy. That means firing every gun on the plane for that brief few seconds when the enemy is close enough that the sight of his plane fills your cockpit glass. The range for machine gun and cannon fire is about 2,000 to 3,000 feet (700 - 1,000 meters), but the chances of your hitting anything at that distance are slim at best. It's suggested that you begin your attack at 1,000 feet or less, right about when the target fills your gunsight. Being able to do this (and hit) means having the skill and patience to maneuver into position (while your enemy is trying to prevent you from doing so), fire a short burst, then painstakingly maneuver into position again. One mitigating factor is that if you damage his plane on your first attack, getting lined up for a second attack becomes that much easier. "Bomber Busting" - If you run into a heavily escorted group of bombers, you can sometimes use the bomber's firepower to your advantage. If you notice an enemy fighter on your tail, head toward a bomber, take a few shots, and turn away. Hopefully, some of the bomber's anxious gunners will hit the tailing fighter. Be extremely cautious when attacking bombers directly however, especially from the rear; there's six turrets blazing on that bird, and chances are, they're trained on you! "Chasin' 'em down" - If you're having difficulty locating or following an enemy plane, try these features: Snap View (0 through 9 on the Number pad) The Snap View feature allows you to look around your plane from within the cockpit to locate other planes that aren't in your line of sight. The selected view will only remain while you're holding down the key, "snapping" back to your original perspective once released. To get a 45° up view of a particular view, simply hold down the Snap View Up key (5 on the Number pad) and the key for the view you'd like to look up in. Virtual Cockpit (F8) The virtual cockpit is extremely useful for the experienced pilot, though it may take a little getting used to for someone who's never used one before. Virtual Cockpit mode is essentially the same as the standard cockpit, except that you're able to use the camera controls (default configuration is for Mouse) to "free roam" around the cockpit. Target Enemy (t = Target Next, Shift-t = Target Previous, Ctrl-t = Target Closest) Targeting the enemy will place a box on an enemy plane with the plane's name and distance from you listed above and below the box. This "highlight" should help you keep track of the enemy plane you're hunting down. (Backspace will deselect your selected target) Padlock View (* on the Number pad = Padlock Toggle, / on the Number pad = Padlock Closest to Center of View) The Padlock view is incredibly helpful for keeping an eye on the enemy. When the * or / key on the Number pad is hit, you are popped into Virtual Cockpit mode with the Padlocked enemy's target box on. In this view, your pilot's head will stay trained on the enemy plane, and it's up to you to fly in for the kill. This may be a bit disorienting for beginners, but they may soon find it's a feature they couldn't live without (literally). (Note: the keys listed above are for the default key configuration. If you've reconfigured any of these keys, you must substitute your replacement for the one listed to utilize the feature.) PROBLEMS? -------------------------------------------- If you're having any problems with keys or the key configuration, try deleting the file called EAW.INI, found in the European Air War Demo folder, and running the game again. Note: This will reset any key configurations you may have modified previously, and you'll have to go back into Configure Game if you'd like a key config other than the default. If the demo is exiting to the desktop prematurely (without showing the ending Splash Screen) and you have a 3D and/or 64bit Sound card, try restarting the game, going to the Sound menu, and setting the channels to 8. Then save that configuration, exit to your desktop, and restart the game. Please understand that this demo was created mid-development, meaning that there's still a great deal more going into the game, and that you might run across a few problems during gameplay. If you are unable to run this demo or are having any severe graphical issues, please write to us at eawdev@microprose.com and tell us your system's specifications so that we can correct the problem for the final product. Thanks. EAW DEFAULT KEY REFERENCE CARD -------------------------------------------- (PLEASE NOTE: *** = Not Available in Demo) Default Control Setup -------------------------------------------- Joystick Flight Mouse Camera Rudder Rudder Throttle Throttle Keyboard Flight Controls -------------------------------------------- ACTION KEY NAME KEY ---------------------------------------------------------- Flight Key Up UP Arrow Flight Key Down DOWN Arrow Flight Key Right RIGHT Arrow Flight Key Left LEFT Arrow Rudder Key Up Comma , Rudder Key Down Slash / Rudder Key Center Period . Rudder Right Full Shift-Comma < Rudder Left Full Shift-Slash ? ***Engine 1 Start Shift-Open Bracket { ***Engine 2 Start Shift-Close Bracket } Throttle Key Up Equals = Throttle Key Down Minus - Throttle Down Full (0%) Shift-Minus _ Throttle 10% One 1 Throttle 20% Two 2 Throttle 30% Three 3 Throttle 40% Four 4 Throttle 50% Five 5 Throttle 60% Six 6 Throttle 70% Seven 7 Throttle 80% Eight 8 Throttle 90% Nine 9 Throttle Up Full (100%) Shift-Equals (plus) + ***Throttle 1 Up Open Bracket [ ***Throttle 2 Up Close Bracket ] ***Throttle 1 Down Semicolon ; ***Throttle 2 Down Apostrophe ' Flaps Up Shift-f F Flaps Down f f Wheel Brakes b b Landing Gear g g ***Lamp Toggle Shift-l L Camera Controls -------------------------------------------- VIEW KEY NAME KEY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Current View Front F1 F1 Current View Right-Front F2 F2 Current View Right F3 F3 Current View Right-Shoulder F4 F4 Current View Left-Front F7 F7 Current View Left F6 F6 Current View Left-Shoulder F5 F5 Current View Front Up Shift-F1 Shift-F1 Current View Right-Front Up Shift-F2 Shift-F2 Current View Right Up Shift-F3 Shift-F3 Current View Rt-Shoulder Up Shift-F4 Shift-F4 Current View Left-Front Up Shift-F7 Shift-F7 Current View Left Up Shift-F6 Shift-F6 Current View Lt-Shoulder Up Shift-F5 Shift-F5 Instrument View Control-F1 Ctrl-F1 Snap View Front Num 8 8 on the number pad Snap View Right-Front Num 9 9 on the number pad Snap View Right Num 6 9 on the number pad Snap View Right-Shoulder Num 3 6 on the number pad Snap View Left-Front Num 7 7 on the number pad Snap View Left Num 4 4 on the number pad Snap View Left-Shoulder Num 1 1 on the number pad Snap View Up Num 5 5 on the number pad Snap View Rear Num 2 2 on the number pad Snap View Instrument Num 0 0 on the number pad Virtual cockpit F8 F8 Padlock Toggle Num Asterisk (Mult) * on the number pad Padlock Num Slash (Divide) / on the number pad Cockpit Toggle Num Period (Decimal) . on the number pad Chase View Shift-F8 Shift-F8 Flyby View Control-F8 Ctrl-F8 Track View Next Plane F9 F9 Track View Previous Plane Shift-F9 Shift-F9 Target View F10 F10 Player To Target View Shift-F10 Shift-F10 Target To Player View Control-F10 Ctrl-F10 ***Bomb View F11 F11 ***Player To Bomb View Shift-F11 Shift-F11 ***Bomb To Player View Control-F11 Ctrl-F11 ***Action View F12 F12 ***Dogfight View Shift-F12 Shift-F12 Free Camera View Control-F12 Ctrl-F12 Camera Zoom Button LMB + Fwd/Back Zoom In Num Plus + on the number pad Zoom Out Num Minus - on the number pad Camera Up u / Mouse backward u Camera Down n / Mouse forward n Camera Right j / Mouse left j Camera Left h / Mouse right h Camera Reset Right Mouse Button Keyboard Weapons & Cockpit Controls -------------------------------------------- ACTION KEY NAME KEY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fire Selected Guns Joystick Button Space Bar Next Gun s s Previous Gun Shift-s S Select All Guns z z Select Machine Guns x x Select Cannons c c Display Active Guns Control-s Ctrl-s Fire Selected Weapons Joystick Button 1 Enter ***Select Bombs [currently undefined] ***Select Rockets [currently undefined] ***Release Drop Tanks Shift-d D Target Next Enemy t t Target Previous Enemy Shift-t T Target Closest Enemy Control-t Ctrl-t Target Next Friendly y y Target Previous Friendly Shift-y Y Target Closest Friendly Control-y Ctrl-y ***Target Next Ground Object [currently undefined] ***Target Previous Grd Object [currently undefined] ***Target Best Ground Object [currently undefined] ***Target Closest Runway Shift-r R Deselect Target Backspace Backspace Flight Info Display On/Off Alt-f Alt-f ***Track View Display On/Off [currently undefined] Target Info Display On/Off Alt-t Target Director On/Off Alt-d Target Box Display On/Off Alt-o Target ID Display On/Off Alt-i Target Range Display On/Off Alt-r ***Player-Target View On/Off [currently undefined] ***Radio Mode [currently undefined] ***Chat Mode Accent Grave ` ***Pilot Map Alt-M Alt-M ***Autopilot a a ***Next Waypoint w w ***Previous Waypoint Shift-w W ***Accelerate Time Tab Tab Normal Time Shift-Tab Shift-Tab ***Skip to Next Encounter Alt-n Alt-n ***Jump to Next Plane Alt-j Alt-j Bail Out Alt-b Alt-b Pause Alt-p Alt-p Sound On/Off Alt-s Alt-s Quit Escape Esc For more information on EAW or on any other MicroProse game, check out www.microprose.com DEMO CREDITS -------------------------------------------- PRODUCER Martin De Riso GAME DESIGN Tsuyoshi Kawahito LEAD PROGRAMMER Tsuyoshi Kawahito PROGRAMMERS Rob Hafey Brandon Gamblin Will Gee LEAD ARTIST Susan Clausen ARTISTS Rob Cloutier Dave Thompson Matt Bell Erik Ehoff Sam Laskowski MUSIC COMPOSITION Roland Rizzo AUDIO DESIGN / RECORDING Mark Cromer Mark Reis MARKETING Thomas Nichols Adrian Turner DOCUMENTATION John Possidente, Anne Stone, Richard Henning, Tsuyoshi Kawahito, Martin De Riso LOCALIZATION Karen Ffinch Sarah Collins SDL QUALITY ASSURANCE Tom Falzone - Supervisor Steve Purdie - Test Lead Mark Gutknecht - Test Lead For more information on EAW or on any other MicroProse game, check out www.microprose.com