Scars PC Controler configs. /*********************************************************/ Sidwinder Gamepads: Menus: D-pad :move around menus a-button :go back b-button :select In Game: up :no-action down :reverse left :steer left right :steer right a-button :handbreak b-button :accelerate c-button :lights on/off x-button :look behind y-button :swap weapons z-button :change camera mode L-button :jump R-button :fire /*********************************************************/ Normal Gamepad: --------------- Menus: D-pad :move around menus a-button :go back b-button :select In Game: up :jump down :reverse left :left right :right a-button :break b-button :swap weapons c-button :accelerate d-button :fire extra game keys: F5 :camera mode change F6 :lights on/off /*********************************************************/ Keys ----------------------------------------- If you have only one joystick then player two will be mapped to the player one keys below in two player games. if you have no joystick then these keys corispond to ONE-player games only. ----------------------------------------- One Player: ----------- cursors,return and escape to navigate menus In Game: cursor up :accelerate cursor down :reverse cursor left :left cursor right:right space :handbreak a :lights on/off s :swap weapons d :jump f :fire weapon v :change camera mode /**********************/ -------------------- Two Player Keys ONLY ***Only selected if no joystick is plugged in*** -------------------- Menus: Player One controls the menu access with the cursors,return and escape Car Select: Player Two chooses his car with NUMPAD_7 & NUMPAD_9 , using NUMPAD_ENTER to select. In Game: -------- Player One: ----------- I :accelerate K :reverse J :left L :right space :handbreak a :lights on/off s :change camera mode d :swap weapons f :jump v :fire Player Two: ----------- NUMPAD_divide :accelerate NUMPAD_8 :reverse NUMPAD_7 :left NUMPAD_9 :right delete :handbreak end :lights on/off insert :change camera mode home :swap weapons PAGE_UP :jump PAGE_DOWN :fire Have fun !!!! Vivid Image