Military Supplies
Pick up these helpful
items whenever possible. Some items take effect when
picked up. You must select and use other items before
taking effect.
Shells |
Cells |
Bullets |
Grenades |
Rockets |
Ammo: There are five major
ammo types: shells, cells, bullets, grenades, and
rockets. Except for the blaster, you must have ammunition
to use a weapon. Each ammo type has a maximum you can
Jacket |
Suit |
Armor |
There are three armor types: Flak Jacket, Combat Suit,
and Body Armor. Each one provides a certain amount of
protection against both normal attacks and energy weapon
attacks. If you take enough hits, your armor strength
depletes down to nothing. So seek out unused breast
plates. Pick up and salvage armor that is not as good as
your current armor to improve your armor health.
Shards: Special
remnant of armors, which add a bit more
durability to your existing protection. |
Energy Armor: This provides improved protection
against energy weapons. While it is being used,
it drains energy from your cells when damaged. |
Silencer: This silences the discharge of any
weapon. |
Aid Medkit
Health: There are
two types of standard health kits: First Aid and
Medkits |
Stimpacks: These provide an additional boost to
your health. |
Bandoleer: Increases your carrying capacity for
all ammunition except grenades and rockets. |
Heavy Pack: This allows you to carry more ammo on
your back. |
Breather: This
provides oxygen when submerged in liquids. |
Enviro-Suit: This protects you against damage from
hazardous liquids, such as Slime. |
Quad Damage: The quad temporarily multiplies all
your weapons strengths by four times. Let
the gibbing begin! |
Mega-Health: This provides a temporary but
significant boost to your health. This will wear
off after a minute or so. |
Invulnerability: The invulnerability item renders you
temporarily indestructible. |
Super-Adrenaline: This slightly increases your health
permanently. |