MISSION OBJECTIVE: You are the Blue clan leader. Your mission is to find and destroy your enemy, the Red Clan. IMPORTANT: Start by building a storehouse. Trade, and try to form an alliance. F1, F2, F3, and F4: game speed control Right button: deselects unit. Stone is found in the mines. For info while playing: press ESC. TO START PLAYING: 1) Choose line of research on the right (Agriculture, Engineering or Military ) 2) Click on bottom right of this frame (Continued on next page) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE DEMO AND THE VERSION FOR SALE: Demo has just one mission (the 'real' game has 30). Only around 30% of the units, buildings and vehicles are available on demo. Technology research limited to 2 breakthroughs out of over 70. Magic units, spells, and magic experiments are not available in demo. Very limited diplomacy. Trade limited to a single player. No cinematic sequences. No music. (Continued on next page) HELP DURING THE GAME There are two types of help: 1) Messages appear automatically at the bottom of your screen. 2) Messages appear on the screen, next to the item selected, and indicate the pertinent Help chapters. For example: When you select a farmer, the message says: Farmer (Help: 1, 10) This means that if you want more information on the farmer, press ESC, then select "Objective and Help", and see chapters 1 and 10. (Continued on next page) HELP (chapters 1 - 25) 1 GATHERING FOOD Select a farmer, hold the CTRL button down, click on an area with vegetables or food: the green arrow will turn red, then click on the destination box (the storehouse, or crop center in general), and, finally, release the CTRL button. Important: Be precise when you designate, say, the storehouse as a destination: Make sure that the storehouse info (blue squares) appears, indicating that the storehouse is indeed the desired destination. (Continued on next page) 2 GATHERING STONES Select a builder, keep the CTRL key pressed down, click on the entrance to a mine, (the green key will turn red), then click on the destination box (the storehouse in general), and release the CTRL key. 3 BUILDING Select a builder, and click on the building symbol desired at bottom left. To render the finished building operational, you must assign it a settler. (Continued on next page) 4 SELECTING A GROUP (click left, and move mouse): Hold the mouse's left button down, and move the mouse in the shape of a square. All the units inside the square will be selected. 5 DESELECTING A UNIT OR BUILDING (click right) Click with the right-hand mouse button, on the element currently selected. (Continued on next page) 6 ACTIVATING A BUILDING (Sending a settler) A newly constructed building must be made operational by sending at least one settler. 7 REMOVING A SETTLER (double-click on the building) If you double-click on a building, a settler will come out. (Continued on next page) 8 TO FIND OUT HOW MANY SETTLERS ARE IN A BUILDING Select a building: the number of squares of light on the side show how many settlers are currently in the building. 9 COST OF A BUILDING Select a builder, and move the mouse to the building to be constructed. On the right you will see how much food/stones are needed to build it. If you don't have the necessary resources, you cannot build it. (Continued on next page) 10 RECYCLING A UNIT (in the sanctuary) Select the unit, and send it to the sanctuary. It will then become an ordinary settler. 11 FEEDING THE UNITS (the 'E' key) A selected unit's food reserves are indicated by the circle which appears beside it. When the circle is completely black, the unit is hungry. It will automatically feed itself (Continued on next page) where food may be found nearby (the storehouse, for example). If there is no food available close by, you will have to take it somewhere where there is food. To make your units eat, select the units to be fed, and press the 'E' key. They will go eat, if possible. 12 "MANUFACTURING" A FARMER, BUILDER, OR MECHANIC Select the sanctuary, and click on the icon for the unit you want to train at the bottom right. Note: you need at least one settler available in the sanctuary. (Continued on next page) 13 " MANUFACTURING " NEW MILITARY UNITS (barracks or circus) Select one or the other, and click on the icon for the unit you want to train at the bottom left. Note: You need at least one settler available in the building. 14 MANUFACTURING VEHICLES (Workshop). Note: the workshop will only be available for military research, Select the workshop and click on the vehicle icon at the bottom left. (Continued on next page) 15 RESEARCH (Laboratory) As soon as you have built a laboratory and assigned at least one settler to it, you may begin research in the area you selected at the outset of your mission. After a while, a message will appear, indicating you have discovered a new technology. You can discover a maximum of 2 breakthroughs in this demo. Tip: Once the 2 technologies discovered, Sell your Laboratories: Select Laboratory, press DEL and clic left. (Continued on next page) 16 COLLECTING SCRAP METAL (Mechanic) Select a mechanic, keep the CTRL key pressed down, click on scrap metal, then on the destination (usually the storehouse), release the CTRL key. 17 "GENERATING" NEW SETTLERS (Crop Center) Build a crop center. Some farmers will then have to provide it with food. After a while, new settlers will appear in the crop center. (Continued on next page) 18 MOVING A UNIT Select the unit and click on the desired target. 19 MAKING A UNIT FIGHT Select a unit, and click on the desired target. 20 RECYCLING A BUILDING (SUPPR key and left click) Select a building, keep the SUPPR key pressed, and left click. (Continued on next page) 21 THEFT OF RESOURCES OR TECHNOLOGY (Archer/Thief) Select an Archer/thief, click on the bottom left icon corresponding to what you want to steal. Finally, point to another clan's laboratory if you have decided to steal technology. Finally, point to another clan's cave if you have decided to steal resources. There is no guarantee that you will succeed in stealing, but you will always lose your archer. (Continued on next page) 22 PROPOSING AN ALLIANCE (Market and Messenger): In this demo, it is impossible to form an alliance, the object being to destroy the red clan. If you wish to verify this, make a messenger from the market, and send him to the red clan's sanctuary. The red clan will reject your offer of an alliance. (Continued on next page) 23 HOW TO TRADE: Trading is not necessary in this demo, but if you wish to trade with the red clan, here's how: Make a market, then a hangar, and finally, a messenger from the market. Send the messenger to the enemy market, and make your offer. In the event of agreement, you have a limited amount of time in which to fill your hangar with the proceeds of the trade with the other clan. (Continued on next page) 24 BUILDING FLIGHT UNITS (Heliport) If you have chosen research in "Civil Engineering", you may discover the technology for flying machines. If you build a heliport, a balloon will be delivered free, and you will be able to make helipeds. To put units in or take them out of the balloon, click on its shadow. (Continued on next page) 25 KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS TAB: display the mini card or not. CTRL + a number: store a unit group in memory. SHIFT + number: retrieve the unit group. +/-: increase/decrease the window. 'E' key: make the selected units feed themselves. F1/F2/F3/F4: change game speed. Arrows: scroll the screen. ENTER: focus the game on the last unit attacked. SPACE: display life points and food graphs for all units. ----------THE END-----------