Début du fichier G:\DKE\DATAS\DIALOGUE\US\NWDIAL01.TXT // Kalhi (to Arkhan who returns dressed in his underwear) perso12 L01D17A Arkhan! What do you think you're doing, parading around like that?! XXX // Kalhi (amused) perso12 L01D17B Come on! Your uniform's hanging over there... XXX // Zed (yelling through the door) perso1 L01D01A (outside) Arkhan, it's Zed! Hurry up. Get out here! XXX // Zed (yelling through the door) perso1 L01D01B (from outside) The Provost summoned you. You're going to be in big trouble if you don't get out here quick! XXX // Kalhi (waking up) perso12 L01D03 Arkhan... You're up... It looks like you had a rough night... XXX // Phedoria (Arkhan hits Kalhi) perso26 L01D45A Arkhan! Keep your hands off her! XXX // Arkhan0 O (furious) perso0 L01D99 Captain Phedoria! You rotten hag, you want me to hit you too? You got it! XXX // Phedoria (coolly fires her weapon) perso26 L01D45B You don't leave me much choice! XXX // Kalhi (brokenhearted over Arkhan's death) perso12 L01D44 Arkhan... No! XXX // Guardian23 perso88 L01D147 You're on their side, I knew it! XXX // Kabak (attacking) perso87 L01D148 Arkhan! You dirty traitor! XXX // Arkhan1 G (accosting Kabak) perso1 L01D66A Hey, Kabak! XXX // Kabak (grumbling) perso87 L01D67 Light b'with you, Arkhan... XXX // Arkhan2 L perso2 L01D60A There's no reason to be afraid of me, Kabak! XXX // Arkhan2 O perso2 L01D60B Don't go! XXX // Arkhan3 L perso3 L01D61A Don't be scared! XXX // Arkhan3 O perso3 L01D61B (growls aggressively) XXX // Kabak (stunned at the sight of Arkhan) perso87 L01D30A Arkhan! Is that really you? XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D30B Holy Sun God, they really messed you up! XXX // Kabak (seeing Arkhan2/3 again) perso87 L01D139 Arkhan! It looks like it's getting worse... XXX // Arkhan2 G (accosts Kabak) perso2 L01D66B Kabak! XXX // Arkhan3 G (accosts Kabak) perso3 L01D66C Kabak! XXX // Kabak (facing aggressive Arkhan1) perso87 L01D81 What's got into you? XXX // Kabak (facing aggressive Arkhan2/3) perso87 L01D82 Simmer down! XXX // Kabak (Arkhan comes back after having fled the battle) perso87 L01D87 There you are, you dirty rat! XXX // Kabak (Arkhan puts the weapons away) perso87 L01D80 That's better. XXX // Kabak (hit by Arkhan1) perso87 L01D137 Try that again, and you'll be sorry! XXX // Kabak (hit by Arkhan2/3) perso87 L01D138A You're no beauty, but old Kabak has seen some real eyesores in his time! XXX // Guardian23 (shocked at the sight of Arkhan) perso88 L01D121 Kabak! By all that's dark! It's one of those creatures! XXX // Kabak (to Lars, wounded Guardian) perso87 L01D31A Don't panic, Lars! XXX // Kabak (reassuring) perso87 L01D31B Lars, calm down! That "thing" you're talking about is Arkhan. XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D31C This morning, he was still a Guardian of Fire, just like you and me. He's not our enemy. XXX // Guardian23 (unconvinced that Arkhan is harmless) perso88 L01D122 Okay, but whatever you are, don't come any closer. Arkhan! XXX // Guardian23 (unconvinced that Arkhan is harmless) perso88 L01D123 Be careful Arkhan! I can still put up a good fight! XXX // Guardian23 (shocked at the sight of Arkhan) perso88 L01D124 Kabak! Are you talking to that thing?... His very presence is sickening! XXX // Kabak (suspicious) perso87 L01D171 He won't do anything to you... Will you Arkhan? XXX // Guardian23 (doesn't want to look at Arkhan) perso88 L01D94 Kabak, call your creature back! XXX // Guardian23 (doesn't want to look at Arkhan) perso88 L01D95 Kabak, I don't like this! His eyes are brimming with gloom! XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D96 That's enough, Lars! He's a victim, like you. XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D172 He's not crazy! He won't harm us! XXX // Guardian23 (attacking Arkhan) perso88 L01D127 Kill the demon! XXX // Arkhan1 L (beside a bed) perso1 L01D21A I'm so tired... But I have to go. XXX // Kalhi (a little impatient) perso12 L01D29A Arkhan, hurry up, Zed's waiting for you... XXX // Kalhi (a little impatient) perso12 L01D29B Arkhan, now that you've got your uniform on, go find Zed... XXX // Arkhan2 G (beside a bed) perso2 L01D21B This is no time for sleeping! XXX // Arkhan3 G (beside a bed) perso3 L01D21C This is no time... XXX // Arkhan1 O (beside a bed) perso1 L01D21D By all that's dark! I'm sick of this, I never get any sleep. XXX // Kalhi (impatient) perso12 L01D29C Arkhan, quit complaining! XXX // Arkhan0 L perso0 L01D119 Here's my Guardian of Fire uniform. XXX // Arkhan0 O (mumbling) perso0 L01D120 Z'my Guardian's uniform. XXX // Kalhi (Arkhan goes out dressed in his underwear) perso12 L01D32 Arkhan, you're not going out dressed like that!? XXX // Arkhan1 G (ironical) perso0 L01D33 No, I might have a few problems if I walk around like this! XXX // Arkhan1 L perso1 L01D34A Kalhi, be careful, don't let anyone see you leaving. XXX // Arkhan1 L perso1 L01D34B I don't want Provost Dhorkan to see you. You know how strict he is about letting outsiders into the Guardians of Fire barracks... XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D36 Don't worry Arkhan, I'll leave just as quietly as I came. XXX // Arkhan1 O (scolding) perso1 L01D35A Hey, Kalhi, get a move on! XXX // Arkhan1 O perso1 L01D35B You know perfectly well Scavengers aren't allowed inside the Guardians of Fire barracks. XXX // Arkhan1 O perso1 L01D35C If Provost Dhorkan finds you here, I'll be put on latrine duty! XXX // Kalhi (upset) perso12 L01D37 Listen, if you don't want me to come around anymore, you can just say so! XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D41 Hey there, calm down! You're supposed to train with Zed, not with me! XXX // Arkhan1 G (softly) perso0 L01D02 Kalhi, you asleep? XXX // Arkhan1 L perso0 L01D04A I didn't want to wake you. But the first rays from the Sun God are already filtering through.... XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D05A Don't worry, I was only dozing. XXX // Arkhan1 L perso0 L01D04B You know, I had a funny dream. I saw the Great Cataclysm and our ancestors-the Wanderers who built our city... XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D05B You dreamed about the founders of Sparta? XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D05C That's the kind of dream Rylsadhar would like. XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D05D Your Sunseer father really gets a kick out of History! XXX // Arkhan1 L perso0 L01D06A Believe it or not, you were in my dream too! Along with my father, Zed, and the Great Sunseer Lory... XXX // Arkhan1 L perso0 L01D06B Even our friend Danrys, the old Scavenger was there. XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D07 Do you think the Sun God might have inspired your dream? XXX // Arkhan1 L perso0 L01D08A I hope not! XXX // Arkhan1 L perso0 L01D08B Listen, if the Sun God really wanted to do me a favor, he'd rise a little later, so you and I could sleep in peace! XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D09A Arkhan! If your father heard you say that...! XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D09Z If you don't show more respect, you'll end up exiled in the Darklands! XXX // Arkhan1 L perso0 L01D10 It's time to leave, all right? If anyone catches us here together, we'll both be in big trouble. XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D11 I know, you're right. There's no sense playing with fire. XXX // Arkhan1 O (in a bad mood) perso0 L01D13A Stop it Kalhi, I'm not in the mood! XXX // Kalhi (upset) perso12 L01D14 Okay, fine, if you feel like that, then I'll just shut up... XXX // Arkhan1 O perso0 L01D13B I had a nightmare... I dreamed about our city's past... XXX // Arkhan1 O perso0 L01D15 I'm sick of this! I'm not a God! Why should I have to get up when the Great Lightgiver does?! XXX // Arkhan1 O perso0 L01D16 Be a worthy Guardian of Fire. Serve the Sun God. That's all the Sunseers ever talk about! XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D09B Let me tell you something, the life of Scavengers like me and old Danrys isn't exactly a bed of feathers either! XXX // Arkhan1 O perso1 L01D18 I want to lie down next to you again... XXX // Kalhi (irritated) perso12 L01D19 Arkhan, no! It was dangerous enough just to spend the night here together! We can't get caught... XXX // Arkhan1 L perso0 L01D46A Okay, Zed's calling, I have to go. XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D20A Hmmm. Don't forget to give him a kiss from me. Without his help, we'd never have been able to see each other last night... XXX // Arkhan1 L (feigning disgust) perso0 L01D46B He's not my type! XXX // Arkhan1 L perso0 L01D46C I can't understand why all women are so crazy about Zed... XXX // Kalhi (amused) perso12 L01D20B You're a little mixed up, aren't you! You're the one I'm in love with! XXX // Arkhan1 O perso0 L01D47 Zed... even Zed has a grudge against me! XXX // Kalhi (exasperated) perso12 L01D26A You're not going to start criticizing Zed, are you! He's your friend, and he's the Stallite's biggest hero! XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D26B And without his help, we'd never have been able to see each other last night... XXX // Arkhan1 L perso0 L01D88A It's time to go, I'm off. XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D89A Light go with you, darling. XXX // Arkhan1 O perso0 L01D88B (sigh) We're off... XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D89B Come on, cheer up! XXX // Arkhan1 L perso1 L01D24A I saw Zed. He was all set to start training. I think he's itching for action. XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D25A But he just got back from his trip in the Darklands. He never rests! XXX // Arkhan1 O perso1 L01D83 I saw Zed. He's ready for action... and too busy to notice me! Some friendship! XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D84A Arkhan, don't be so ungrateful! It's true Zed spends too much time in the Darklands. That's enough to make anyone a little grim. But I've never heard him speak a harsh word to you. XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D25B You should try to reason with him. Someday he'll go out into the Darklands and never come back. He should stay here and live with us. He's one of our greatest Guardians of Fire! XXX // Arkhan1 G perso1 L01D24B He says life in the Stallite bores him. You should see the look he gets in his eyes when he's ready to leave. I don't think anyone or anything could make him change his mind! XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D25C May the Sun God always watch over him! XXX // Arkhan1 L perso1 L01D27A I have to go. Light go with you, Kalhi. XXX // Kalhi perso12 L01D28 Light go with you, sweetheart. XXX // Arkhan1 O perso1 L01D85A That's enough. I'm going. XXX // Arkhan1 O (grumbling) perso1 L01D85B Yeah... Li'go with ya.. XXX // Kalhi (uneasy) perso12 L01D42 Stop it, Arkhan! You're scaring me! XXX // Kalhi (terrified) perso12 L01D43A Arkhan, Holy Sun God! Please don't hurt me! XXX // Arkhan0 G (growling at Kalhi) perso0 L01D98 Rotten slut, I'll teach you a lesson! XXX // Kalhi (crying out in fear) perso12 L01D43B No! No! Help me! Someone help me! XXX // Arkhan0 G (splashing water on his face) perso0 L01D23A Ah... That feels good! XXX // Arkhan2 G (splashing water on his face) perso2 L01D23B Ah... That feels good !XXX // Arkhan3 G (splashing water on his face) perso3 L01D23C Ah...yes that's good. XXX // Arkhan1 L perso1 L01D48 Light be with you, Kabak! XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D49A Believe me, son, the Father of Light has been kind to us today! XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D49B I just ran across a fiery-eyed young beauty... good enough to eat! XXX // Arkhan1 L (embarrassed) perso1 L01D50 Hmmm... Oh yeah...? XXX // Kabak (dreamy) perso87 L01D51A A real dish! For a minute there, I considered resting my old bones on her soft curves. XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D51B But she was a lively young lady. XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D51C She ran off-whee-like a fart on an oil slick! XXX // Arkhan1 O perso1 L01D52 Kabak! Still trying to warm up your old bones, I see. XXX // Arkhan1 O (sarcastic) perso1 L01D53 Sure. Overdid it with the mushroom Stohll last night, didn't you? XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D54A No... I'm telling you, I saw her with my own eyes! XXX // Kabak (grumbling) perso87 L01D54B Huh! No one ever believes me.. XXX // Arkhan1 G perso1 L01D128 See anything else besides your ghost of a girl? XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D129A There's some kind of unscheduled assembly going on over at the Temple of the Sun God. Looks to me like the Great Sunseer is meeting with the Scavengers. XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D129B It couldn't be all that important, if Dhorkan is only sending over two of us. XXX // Arkhan1 G perso1 L01D130 What's this about a special meeting? XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D131A I think some guys from the Lower City have discovered something, and they want to show it to the Great Sunseer. XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D131B Or something like that... XXX // Arkhan1 L perso1 L01D132 Nothing else? XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D133 No, I think that's it... XXX // Arkhan1 O perso1 L01D134 You're never sure about anything! XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D135 Well, if you don't like it, why don't you go talk to the Provost?! XXX // Arkhan2 L perso2 L01D55A Kabak... I'm looking for the medicine that will cure me. XXX // Arkhan2 L perso2 L01D55B I've heard about a crypt, a secret place somewhere in the Stallite. XXX // Arkhan2 L perso2 L01D55C You've been here longer than almost anyone, surely you must know something about it? XXX // Arkhan2 O perso2 L01D56A Listen Kabak! I've got to find a cure for this filth that's eating away my body! XXX // Arkhan2 O perso2 L01D56B There's supposed to be some kind of crypt, a secret place where I could be cured. XXX // Arkhan2 O perso2 L01D56C You've been around longer than anyone. If you know anything, you better tell me! XXX // Arkhan3 G perso3 L01D57A Kabak, I must find this place where I can be cured. XXX // Arkhan3 G perso3 L01D57B A secret crypt. Do you know the place? XXX // Kabak (thinking) perso87 L01D59A A secret crypt... uh... no, I don't know anything about it. XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D59B Some people say the whole Stallite is filled with underground vaults and grottos, but I say it's nothing but talk. XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D59C You want my opinion, son, you should go see the Sunseer healers. XXX // Arkhan2 G perso2 L01D62A The healers can't do anything for me... XXX // Arkhan3 G perso3 L01D62B The healers can't do anything... XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D63A Then there's only one thing left to do: pray to the Sun God and ask him to drive out the darkness invading your body. XXX // Kabak (hesitating) perso87 L01D63B Or else... XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D63C Some people say there's a woman out in the Darklands who can heal any disease, no matter how bad. XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D63D Those are nothing but kids' stories... XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D63E And anyway, now that they've declared martial law, no one can get out of the city! XXX // Arkhan2 G perso2 L01D64A You really don't know anything else about it? XXX // Arkhan3 G perso3 L01D64B Nothing else? XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D65A No, my boy. I don't know anything, I swear it. XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D65B But there's one thing I do know... you'd better watch out. XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D65C Lots of those Guardians of Fire out there would love to put you six feet under! XXX // Arkhan2 G perso2 L01D173A The Sunseer Thanandar tricked me. XXX // Arkhan2 G perso2 L01D173B The evil darkness is still there, running through my veins. XXX // Arkhan3 G perso3 L01D174 Look at me. I have to find a cure quick, no matter where it is, no matter what it is! XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D175A Don't give up hope! XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D175B There must be a solution out there somewhere. XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D175C The Sun God will not forsake you! XXX // Arkhan2 L perso2 L01D68 Kabak. You're safe and sound... What's going on? XXX // Arkhan2 O perso2 L01D69 Kabak! You still hanging around here? You got any idea what's going on? XXX // Arkhan3 L perso3 L01D70 Kabak! What's going on? XXX // Arkhan3 O perso3 L01D71 Tell me..What's going on? XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D72A It's absolute chaos. There's a riot in the Lower City. They say many have died. XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D72B Some people even say that creatures from the Darklands have gotten into the Stallite. XXX // Arkhan2 G perso2 L01D73 Who's winning the battle? XXX // Arkhan3 G perso3 L01D74 Who is winning? XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D75A We have no idea. Dhorkan's disappeared... or else he's dead. People are dying like flies, on both sides. XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D75B The Sun God has forsaken us, Arkhan. It's over! XXX // Arkhan2 L perso2 L01D76 Don't give up, Kabak! They haven't finished us off yet! XXX // Arkhan2 O perso2 L01D77 Come on, suck it up! We're going to get out of this alive! XXX // Arkhan3 L perso2 L01D78 Take heart, Kabak! XXX // Arkhan3 O perso2 L01D79 Coward! XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D146 You'd better get out of here, Arkhan! XXX // Arkhan2 G perso2 L01D108 Kabak, what's the situation? XXX // Arkhan3 G perso3 L01D109 How are things going? XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D110A Look at that poor clod over there... he's the only one still alive from his group. XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D110B Our enemies down below aren't normal human beings. There's something else... XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D110C The... the creatures from the Darklands. It's true, they're amongst us! XXX // Arkhan2 G perso2 L01D111 If Zed were here, he'd know what to do! XXX // Arkhan3 G perso3 L01D112 If only Zed were here! XXX // Arkhan2 G perso2 L01D200 What are you doing? XXX // Arkhan3 G perso3 L01D201 What are you doing? XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D202A What am I doing? I'm doing what the Healers wouldn't do! XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D202B I'm preparing a potion for everyone who can still be cured... XXX // Arkhan2 G perso2 L01D203 Will your potion cure me? XXX // Arkhan3 G perso3 L01D204 Can I have some of your potion? XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D205 No, Arkhan, I'm sorry. I don't have enough, and I don't think it would do any good in your case.... XXX // Arkhan2 L perso2 L01D206 Give me some, Kabak. Your potion will help me, I'm sure. XXX // Arkhan2 0 perso2 L01D207 I want that potion! XXX // Arkhan3 L perso3 L01D208 Please. I need your potion! XXX // Arkhan3 0 perso3 L01D209 Give me that potion! XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D210 I said no! I have to treat my men! XXX // Arkhan1 G (disclosing the object in his hand) perso1 L01D105 Does this object mean anything to you? XXX // Arkhan2 G (disclosing the object in his hand) perso2 L01D106 Do you know anything about this object? XXX // Arkhan3 G (disclosing the object in his hand) perso3 L01D107 Look at this. Do you know what it is? XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D92A No... I don't see what you're driving at... XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D92B That? No, it doesn't mean anything special to me... XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D92C Sorry, I can't tell you anything about it.. XXX // Arkhan1 G (making fun of the old Kabak) perso1 L01D38 Hey! You put up a good fight for someone your age! XXX // Arkhan2 G (making fun of the old Kabak) perso2 L01D39 You put up a good fight for someone your age! XXX // Arkhan3 G (making fun of the old Kabak) perso3 L01D40 Tough luck, old man! XXX // Kabak (furious) perso87 L01D93 Filthy dog! XXX // Kabak (challenging Arkhan) perso87 L01D86 Watch out, Arkhan! XXX // Guardian23 perso88 L01D136 Kabak, I'm coming! XXX // Arkhan1 O perso0 L01D176 (growls) XXX //Arkhan2 O perso2 L01D177 (growls) XXX //Arkhan3 O perso3 L01D178 (growls) XXX // Arkhan2 G perso2 L01D159 Were you in the fight in the Lower City? XXX // Arkhan3 G perso2 L01D160 Were you fighting in the Lower City? XXX // Guardian23 perso88 L01D97A Fighting? No, I've been out picking mushrooms for brewing a little Stohll! XXX // Guardian23 perso88 L01D97B What do you think, blackhead!? XXX // Arkhan2 L perso2 L01D161 Are there many dead? XXX // Arkhan2 O perso2 L01D162 One more word, and I'll rip your butt off and shove it down your throat! XXX // Arkhan3 L perso3 L01D163 Any casualties? XXX // Arkhan3 O perso3 L01D164 (growls aggressively) XXX // Guardian23 perso88 L01D165A It wasn't a pretty sight. They massacred everyone who couldn't find a place to hide! XXX // Guardian23 perso88 L01D165B Dirty Konkalite dogs! XXX // Guardian23 perso88 L01D165C They're the ones who brought the shadows into the Stallite. XXX // Guardian23 perso88 L01D165D And these rotten creatures along with them! XXX // Guardian23 perso88 L01D165E Blasted demons! Every last one of them will die! XXX // Guardian23 (challenging Arkhan) perso88 L01D166 Do you just bark, or do you bite too? XXX // Kabak perso87 L01D167 Cut it out, both of you! You're on the same side, don't forget! XXX // Arkhan2 G perso2 L01D168 Suit yourself! But I'm going out there, and I'm going to get us out of this mess! XXX // Arkhan3 G (determined) perso3 L01D169 I'm going out there. Just let them try and stop me! XXX // Guardian23 (aggressive) perso88 L01D170 Don't look at me. XXX // Arkhan2 G perso2 L01D150 What happened to you? XXX // Arkhan3 G perso3 L01D151 They messed you up. XXX // Guardian24 (weak) perso89 L01D152A At the door... creatures... huge, black... XXX // Guardian24 (weak) perso89 L01D152B They snuck up on us... Everyone's dead except me... XXX // Arkhan2 G perso2 L01D153 These creatures you're talking about, where did they come from? XXX // Arkhan3 G perso3 L01D154 Where did these creatures come from? XXX // Guardian24 (weak) perso89 L01D155A From the Darklands... They look like animals or men... but.... transformed somehow... XXX // Guardian24 (weak) perso89 L01D155B They serve a devil.... they're slaves to the Lord of Darkness... XXX // Guardian24 (weak) perso89 L01D155C He's the one you have to stop! XXX // Arkhan2 G perso2 L01D156 I hope you recover. XXX // Arkhan3 G perso3 L01D157 Take heart! XXX // Arkhan2 G (disclosing an object) perso2 L01D117 Do you recognize this object? XXX // Arkhan3 G (disclosing an object) perso3 L01D118 This. Do you recognize this? XXX // Guardian24 (weak) perso89 L01D149 No. I... I can't see anything anymore. XXX