Alien Rampage! System Requirements ------------------- IBM PC and Compatibles 486 DX/66 processor or better VGA Compatible Display or better 8MB RAM minimum, 16MB recommended CD-ROM drive Required MS-DOS 5.0 or better or Windows 95 (does NOT run under Windows NT) Hard Drive (11MB for Shareware, 15MB for registered.) ======================================================================== Here are the files needed for the shareware release of Alien Rampage: README.TXT TECHINFO.TXT SLICNSE.TXT ORDER.TXT RAMPAGE.EXE RAVAGER.GOO MAPS.CMP ACTORS.TNK DEMO11.DAT DEMO12.DAT DEMO13.DAT INFO.GLU BOW_ANM.ICC WINA_ANM.ICC TITL_ANM.ICC FILE_ID.DIZ Running Alien Rampage --------------------- DOS: To launch Alien Rampage from the DOS Prompt, go to the directory where you installed Rampage and simply type: RAMPAGE then press . Windows 3+: Exit Windows completely - don't run it in a Window or from the Windows MS-DOS prompt, then follow the DOS instructions above. Windows 95: To launch Alien Rampage, double-click on the file RAMPAGE.EXE from Windows Explorer. Depending on your system configuration, this may be all you need to do to start Rampaging! However, certain systems may experience difficulties running Alien Rampage this way. In this case, you can either reboot in MS-DOS mode, or make the following short-cut: 1. Using Explorer, right-click and drag the file RAMPAGE.EXE, from the game directory, to your desktop. Choose to Create a Shortcut from the pop-up menu. You will see an MS-DOS Icon titled "Shortcut to Rampage" appear on the desktop. 2. Right click on the new icon, and from the pop-up menu, choose "Properties". Choose the "Program" tab at the top. 3. Click on the "Advanced..." button near the bottom. The "Advanced Program Settings" window will appear. 4. Select the "MS-DOS mode" check box. You can leave the "Warn" box on or off. You should also be able to use the current configuration. 5. Click on "OK" and you are finished! 6. Double-click the desktop icon to start Rampaging! Audio Setup ----------- The first time you run Alien Rampage, you will see the following menu: KEYBOARD GAMEPAD JOYSTICK SOUND FINISHED You MUST go into the SOUND menu to set-up your sound card! Select the type of sound card you have, then press "N" to the question "Modify these values?" and the sound card should be initialized. If initialization fails, you either have a different type of sound card, or will have to modify the values detected for the sound card. To find the values you need, look in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file for a line like this: SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6 The "A220" is the address, "I5" is the IRQ, "D1" is the DMA channel, "H5" is the high DMA channel, "P330" is the port and "T6" is type of Sound Blaster card you are emulating. (NOTE: You may not have an "H", "P" or "T" variable in your blaster line.) 8 meg systems and SMRTDRV ------------------------- It is very unlikely, but still possible that 8 meg systems could experience sporadic memory problems. If this seems to happen to you, check your SMARTDRV setting in your AUTOEXEC.BAT and/or CONFIG.SYS files and make sure it is not over 1024 (1 meg) in size. Technical Support ----------------- If you are having trouble installing or running Alien Rampage you can get technical support by sending e-mailing to You can also refer to our web page,, or call 1-318-221-8311. When sending support e-mail, cut and paste the following into your e-mail message and fill in the blanks: Date: Name: Phone number: E-mail address: Game Title: Alien Rampage Version #: v1.12 Operating system (i.e., DOS 6.0 or Windows 95): Computer type: BIOS date: BIOS version: Processor type: Processor speed: Amount of RAM: Video Card: Sound Card: The problem you encountered: How to reproduce the problem: