* ENGLISH * MISSION #25 (F0403): MARADAH * DATELINE "DATELINE: 0900 HRS EST, 11.19.97" SETDOGG 3 SETMAN 8 SETMAP1 5 SETFACING DTOUR,3 SETAWAY 911,3 SETDRAW 0 SETANIM DTOUR,9 SETANIM 911,9 SHOWFRAME BRIEFSTART CHARSAY DTOUR,1,0,d_tour46.wav CHARTXT Nine - we thought you was maggot food, god it's good to have you back man, real good. SAMPGAP 129212,0 CHARSAY 911,0,0,prop20.wav CHARTXT Yeah, man good to see ya, Nine! SAMPGAP 49976,0 SETANIM 911,12 SHOWFRAME SETANIM 911,13 SHOWFRAME SETANIM 911,14 SHOWFRAME CHARSAY 911,0,0,ear26.wav CHARTXT We missed you, Nine! SAMPGAP 29809,0 SETANIM 911,15 SHOWFRAME SETANIM 911,16 SHOWFRAME CHARSAY 911,4,0,911_38.wav CHARTXT Believe me, it's good ta see my partners man. SAMPGAP 53708,74607 CHARTXT And I gotta say Recruit you moved like some kinda Wardenz on that one and you saved my stupid butt. SAMPGAP 193688,214831 CHARTXT Thanks man, I mean it you ain't Green no more Jack. SAMPGAP 287251,0 SETANIM DTOUR,9 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,12 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,13 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,14 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,15 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,16 SHOWFRAME CHARSAY 911,0,0,prop21.wav CHARTXT Yeah, good call, Jack! SAMPGAP 38526,0 CHARSAY 911,0,0,ear27.wav CHARTXT That's the way to pull it out Recruit! SAMPGAP 41466,0 CHARSAY DTOUR,4,0,d_tour47.wav CHARTXT Yeah man, I gotta admit it, you did real good recruit, real good and I owe you an apology man... SAMPGAP 123941,12500 CHARTXT I was wrong about you. SAMPGAP 167320,0 SETANIM 911,16 SHOWFRAME SETANIM 911,21 SHOWFRAME SETANIM 911,22 SHOWFRAME SETANIM 911,23 SHOWFRAME SETANIM 911,24 SHOWFRAME SETANIM 911,9 SHOWFRAME CHARSAY 911,1,0,911_39.wav CHARTXT Whoa, hold on there, D! SAMPGAP 34144,54680 CHARTXT You sound like you're about to propose to the guy, or something! SAMPGAP 117011,0 SETANIM DTOUR,16 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,21 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,22 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,23 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,24 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,9 SHOWFRAME CHARSAY DTOUR,1,0,d_tour48.wav CHARTXT Hey, I'm trying to say I'm sorry here! SAMPGAP 42679,0 CHARSAY 911,1,0,911_40.wav CHARTXT Well just say it! SAMPGAP 17457,0 SETANIM DTOUR,9 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,12 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,13 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,14 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,15 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,16 SHOWFRAME CHARSAY DTOUR,4,0,d_tour49.wav CHARTXT Sorry, Recruit. SAMPGAP 21386,24302 CHARTXT You Bad, you the baddest man. SAMPGAP 785839,0 CHARSAY DTOUR,4,0,d_tour49.wav CHARTXT Now show him the ring and you're all done. SAMPGAP 75823,0 SETANIM DTOUR,16 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,21 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,22 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,23 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,24 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,9 SHOWFRAME CHARSAY DTOUR,1,0,d_tour50.wav CHARTXT You asking for a slam upside the head, Nine. SAMPGAP 54072,0 CHARSAY 911,1,0,911_42.wav CHARTXT No, I'm asking you for the ring, D. SAMPGAP 43574,0 DOGGSAYM dog49.wav CHARTXT Okay, guys. SAMPGAP 17376,21872 CHARTXT Keep it down and listen up - the Man's got a few words to say... SAMPGAP 96389,0 MANSAY man17.wav CHARTXT Mornin' men. SAMPGAP 11908,24788 CHARTXT Good to hear that Nine's back, safe and sound from his little vacation in the Sahara SAMPGAP 145813,154926 CHARTXT Now that he's back, we can really give the Crimson Blade something to swallow. SAMPGAP 256509,282998 CHARTXT In his debrief, 9-1-1 gave us some very interesting information regarding a number of weapons crates he managed to snag a look at... SAMPGAP 462971,0 MANSAY prop22.wav CHARTXT Waydigo, Nine! SAMPGAP 24951,0 MAPSAY1 man18.wav CHARTXT ...It seems that these crates had US military stamped all over them, which only goes to prove something I've suspected all along - that we've got a traitor somewhere in the higher echelons of military intelligence... SAMPGAP 261734,276923 CHARTXT ...The weapons crates are located at a secret base in the desert west of the Asyar/Al-biruk highway. SAMPGAP 406453,417146 CHARTXT I want you guys to go in there and recover every last one of those crates, to be used as evidence when I bring this sorry ass traitor to court. SAMPGAP 594430,602328 CHARTXT That's all. SAMPGAP 624443,627238 CHARTXT Look alive. SAMPGAP 650853,0 DOGGSAYC dog50.wav CHARTXT Took the words right out of my mouth... SAMPGAP 33051,52979 CHARTXT Good luck, men. SAMPGAP 68410,0 BRIEFEND