* ENGLISH * MISSION #23 (F0301): MARADAH * DATELINE "DATELINE: 0900 HRS EST, 11.14.97" SETDOGG 1 SETFACING DTOUR,3 SETAWAY 911,3 SETDRAW 0 SETANIM DTOUR,16 SETANIM 911,9 SHOWFRAME BRIEFSTART CHARSAY DTOUR,4,0,d_tour41.wav CHARTXT ...'Cuz the guy just won't listen. SAMPGAP 31714,43258 CHARTXT Hey, Green Meat, Re-Cruit, Whippin boy, if you ever screw up again, you're in for a beating, you hear me? SAMPGAP 165485,0 CHARSAY 911,1,0,911_36.wav CHARTXT Hey, what is it with you, D? SAMPGAP 35117,39977 CHARTXT Your new wife got a nightly headache, or what? SAMPGAP 82384,91254 CHARTXT Chill out man and leave the new guy alone. SAMPGAP 131960,0 SETANIM DTOUR,21 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,22 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,23 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,24 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,9 SHOWFRAME CHARSAY DTOUR,1,0,d_tour42.wav CHARTXT I'm sure he's gonna screw up, Nine. SAMPGAP 37668,43987 CHARTXT My butt's on the line here. SAMPGAP 71691,77645 CHARTXT I don't want to lose it 'cuz of some greenhorn rookie. SAMPGAP 133176,0 CHARSAY 911,1,0,911_37.wav CHARTXT What you sayin, D? SAMPGAP 24788,45080 CHARTXT How long you been with us, Jack - what is it, four months? SAMPGAP 103041,112883 CHARTXT Yeah, four months. SAMPGAP 140588,163432 CHARTXT Now, d-tour my friend, that's a lifetime in any man's war. SAMPGAP 249826,0 DOGGSAYC dog47.wav CHARTXT Men, MEN. SAMPGAP 24059,43501 CHARTXT Keep it down and listen up. SAMPGAP 77645,104378 CHARTXT Now, before we start I'd just like to say that if I hear of anybody - I'm talking you d-tour - anybody!!! SAMPGAP 262098,271455 CHARTXT Badmouthing another member of the team, I'm gonna fall on that person like a napalm bombing run. SAMPGAP 394059,403051 CHARTXT Is that understood? SAMPGAP 423829,449832 CHARTXT Okay. We're going back to Maradah. SAMPGAP 516906,535983 CHARTXT The Man's just got word of another Crimson Blade training camp located on the outskirts of the town of Asyar in the east of the country. SAMPGAP 686657,711566 CHARTXT It's on the border with Egypt, so we're gonna have to be real careful not to encroach on their territory - and that includes airspace, Nine. SAMPGAP 886420,903067 CHARTXT We've got to perform this operation with surgical precision, meaning that there are innocent Maradan civilians in the target zone and I don't want even a single hair on their heads harmed by some stray shell. SAMPGAP 1163829,1193113 CHARTXT The camp's protected by heavily-armed APCs and there's an entire tank battalion of the Maradan Imperial Guard four clicks to the east. SAMPGAP 1193113,1377201 CHARTXT It's a bump and run on this one, so let's hit 'em hard and get out fast. SAMPGAP 1458249,1470400 CHARTXT Stay cool and move out. SAMPGAP 1502965,0 BRIEFEND