* ENGLISH * MISSION #22 (D0803): MOSTVIA VATSKA * DATELINE "DATELINE 0902 HRS EST, 11.7.97" SETDOGG 6 BRIEFSTART DOGGSAYC dog46.wav CHARTXT We gotta move fast on this one. SAMPGAP 30499,46417 CHARTXT The Mostvians are real ticked off about you guys... SAMPGAP 97573,109360 CHARTXT and as a result have set the town of Novik on fire. SAMPGAP 170844,192108 CHARTXT The Aid Without Frontiers convoy is waiting for you on the outskirts of the town, but it won't be there for long if we don't get on in there and guide it to the town center. SAMPGAP 353231,372065 CHARTXT So let's not waste any time, guys. SAMPGAP 410706,420670 CHARTXT We gotta move out NOW. SAMPGAP 451290,0 BRIEFEND