* ENGLISH * MISSION #9 (A0202): PARANAGUA * DATELINE "DATELINE: 0901 HRS EST, 9.8.97" SETDOGG 4 BRIEFSTART DOGGSAYC dog31.wav CHARTXT HEY, HEY, Here it is... straight scoop. SAMPGAP 72785,95872 CHARTXT Paranagua - you recall what a vacation that was. SAMPGAP 168171,188098 CHARTXT Well, we're about to take another sabbatical down South America way. SAMPGAP 256144,25772 CHARTXT This mission comes in two beautiful stages. SAMPGAP 394910,423622 CHARTXT First, we gonna hit a Power Plant situated on the shores of Laguna Concepcion, adjacent to Angel Falls. SAMPGAP 536105,554453 CHARTXT Taking this sucker out of the picture's gonna make it real difficult for the Pereira Cartel to fly out any more coke from that nearby sorry ass dirt road they call an airstrip. SAMPGAP 739635,764302 CHARTXT Taking out the plant sets us up real nice for the second stage of the mission - a full-out assault on the airstrip itself... SAMPGAP 897964,916676 CHARTXT ...So that's it... plant destroyed, got it? SAMPGAP 969533,981806 CHARTXT After that- we wack the runway. SAMPGAP 1022390,1044262 CHARTXT The Charlie one-thirty leaves in ten minutes. SAMPGAP 1086184,1089707 CHARTXT Look sharp and do me proud. SAMPGAP 1125431,0 BRIEFEND