* ENGLISH * MISSION #7 (E0203): MUWANDA * DATELINE "DATELINE: 0901 HRS EST, 8.27.97" SETDOGG 5 BRIEFSTART DOGGSAYC dog29.wav CHARTXT Check it out men. SAMPGAP 17133,36818 CHARTXT You did real good on the last Muwandan mission, but things ain't over yet. SAMPGAP 124913,141074 CHARTXT One of the hostages you rescued was an undercover Special Forces operative. SAMPGAP 224066,242535 CHARTXT He's provided us with information concerning a stockpile of weapons located in canyons to the northeast of the town of Utembo. SAMPGAP 392965,411435 CHARTXT Isiolo's Mruni warriors are regrouping to defend the stockpile and are preparing for an all-out assault on the town. SAMPGAP 547162,567455 CHARTXT You gotta go in there and turn those weapons into canyon dust. SAMPGAP 645100,666000 CHARTXT Give 'em all you got and don't let me down. SAMPGAP 713875,728456 CHARTXT Look alive! SAMPGAP 743781,0 BRIEFEND