* ENGLISH * MISSION #5 (A0103): PARANAGUA * DATELINE "DATELINE: 0859 HRS EST, 8.19.97" SETDOGG 1 SETFACING EARSHOT,4 SETAWAY 911,4 SETDRAW 1 SETANIM EARSHOT,16 SETANIM 911,9 BRIEFSTART CHARSAY EARSHOT,4,0,ear20.wav CHARTXT What up, how's it hangin' Jack the new meat green? SAMPGAP 83235,99031 CHARTXT You know, d-tour tells me you doin' good out there. SAMPGAP 158589,0 CHARSAY 911,1,0,911_22.wav CHARTXT Hah, What you sayin'? SAMPGAP 32322,42529 CHARTXT d_tour wouldn't know his good from his not-so-good. SAMPGAP 100246,118351 CHARTXT I mean, who's he to say whats up anyways? SAMPGAP 174117 SETANIM 911,12 SHOWFRAME SETANIM 911,13 SHOWFRAME SETANIM 911,14 SHOWFRAME SETANIM 911,15 SHOWFRAME SETANIM 911,16 SHOWFRAME * Nine then turns to face YOU, and says... CHARTXT You don't take no never mind of that d_tour, Jack. SAMPGAP 235966,242284 CHARTXT You just do your thang. SAMPGAP 267680,0 DOGGSAYC dog27.wav CHARTXT YO!. What's your problem?! SAMPGAP 27218,53586 CHARTXT Never mind- listen up - we need a fast turnaround on this one. SAMPGAP 148607,172424 CHARTXT Although you did a great job in blowin' the hell out da Morida Cartel's manufacturing plant... SAMPGAP 266473,275829 CHARTXT ...a convoy of trucks carrying a shipment of cocaine with an estimated street value of six million hard core dollars managed to escape. SAMPGAP 424923,445093 CHARTXT Ya'lls got to stop those trucks from reaching Vichada, where they intend to load the coke on a ship headed for Florida. SAMPGAP 554696,578998 CHARTXT We leave in ten minutes so I hope you guy's is gettin' your acts together. Let's move!. SAMPGAP 687143 BRIEFEND