* ENGLISH * MISSION #3 (C0103): KAMPONG * DATELINE "DATELINE: 0901 HRS EST, 7.9.97" SETDOGG 2 SETMAN 2 SETMAP1 1 SETMAP2 2 SETFACING DTOUR,3 SETAWAY 911,3 SETDRAW 0 SETANIM DTOUR,9 SETANIM 911,16 SHOWFRAME BRIEFSTART CHARSAY 911,4,0,911_17.wav CHARTXT ...So the fool goes up for the slam dunk, trips on his own stupid fool feet and stomps down on my new three hundred fifty dollar hikee-tops Jack!. SAMPGAP 186550,0 CHARSAY DTOUR,1,0,d_tour22.wav CHARTXT You paid three fifty for them hikees? SAMPGAP 46295,52371 CHARTXT Brother, you was robbed... SAMPGAP 94838,0 SETANIM 911,21 SHOWFRAME SETANIM 911,22 SHOWFRAME SETANIM 911,23 SHOWFRAME SETANIM 911,24 SHOWFRAME SETANIM 911,9 CHARSAY 911,1,0,911_18.wav CHARTXT Tellin' me I was robbed! SAMPGAP 27826,40341 CHARTXT Fool Props sold me the damn things and then busts 'em up with his damn fat Bozo feet! SAMPGAP 30276,0 CHARSAY DTOUR,1,0,d_tour23.wav CHARTXT Props sold you Hikee-Tops? SAMPGAP 9887,0 CHARSAY 911,1,0,911_19.wav CHARTXT Yeah. SAMPGAP 40481,0 CHARSAY DTOUR,1,0,d_tour24.wav CHARTXT Brother, you stupid... SAMPGAP 40481,0 DOGGSAYM dog23.wav CHARTXT A-TTEN-HUP!. SAMPGAP 18713,44837 CHARTXT We smoked that last mission as only Da Wardenz can, but we gotta light up hotter on this one. SAMPGAP 149337,172059 CHARTXT Some of you may have seen the news on TV last night 'bout the kidnap of nine western journalists in south east Asia, well the Man's gonna brief you on background and details so here it is.... SAMPGAP 387047,0 MANSAY man10.wav CHARTXT At ease men. SAMPGAP 12880,32294 CHARTXT First. Some background information on the southeast Asian hellhole called Kampong. SAMPGAP 137448,0 MAPSAY1 man11.wav CHARTXT The year, 1989. SAMPGAP 47146,51520 CHARTXT A bloody dictator named Trang-Poy, responsible for over 3 million deaths, is overthrown by forces loyal to the Kampongese royal family, led by Prince Sarakham. SAMPGAP 293934,304749 CHARTXT Two years ago, Trang-Poy led a rebellion at the head of his guerrilla army, known as the Dak-Noir, and occupied lands in northern Kampong. SAMPGAP 510022,0 MAPSAY2 man12.wav CHARTXT Yesterday, the Dak Noir took nine western journalists hostage, including seven Americans. SAMPGAP 150309,158450 CHARTXT All the governments involved, including our own, are tripping all over each other in an attempt to negotiate with the kidnappers. SAMPGAP 337800,342781 CHARTXT The Dak Noir, however, are refusing to talk. SAMPGAP 416903,419819 CHARTXT News fresh out of Langley is that two of the journalists have already been killed. SAMPGAP 531123,540236 CHARTXT We've located what we believe are the remaining seven on an island in the middle of lake Bien-loc. SAMPGAP 659924,664663 CHARTXT I want you to go in there and get 'em out, got it. That is all. SAMPGAP 773579,0 DOGGSAYC dog24.wav CHARTXT Okay. You heard The Man. Let's do it. SAMPGAP 55409,0 BRIEFEND