CHARSAY ear19.wav CHARTXT What up? SAMPGAP 14217,29527 CHARTXT You the new green boy huh? SAMPGAP 65251,83964 CHARTXT My name be Earshot, pleased to meet cha. SAMPGAP 148486,165133 CHARTXT I run COMTAC round here - in case you ain't in the know, that's the cool for Communications and Tactics. SAMPGAP 328200,339622 CHARTXT See 'cause bottom line- I'm responsible for the on-line dissemination of tactical information during your missions. SAMPGAP 492726,509129 CHARTXT Apparently, the next briefing's at 0900 hours. SAMPGAP 571951,592364 CHARTXT So look alive green, and I'll see you then. SAMPGAP 657372,0 BRIEFEND