INTRODUCTION ------------ DIETAID is a computerized diet planner. Its goal is to assist the individual by comparing planned menus to the diet prescribed for that individual. To accomplish this, DIETAID contains functions for storing a diet prescription and examining proposed menus. Since each individual will have his or her own favorite recipes, DIETAID also contains procedures for adding new foods and recipes to the food data base. In general you will use DIETAID as follows: . Enter a Diet Prescription from your doctor or nutritionist, or have DIETAID suggest one for you based on your age, weight, sex, and activity level. The DIET Option allows planning in terms of Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates (PFCs) OR Exchange Units (EUs), as well as calories. . Plan various Menus of foods that match the Diet prescribed. Each Menu consists of the specific foods and amounts to be eaten at each meal. The MENU Option allows quick comparison of how each meal compares to the Diet so adjustments may be made to food items or amounts. . You will probably return to the MENU Option to compare how your actual meal intake compares to your planned menu, and/or to try out variations on the menu that do not affect the overall balance of the menu or meal (eg if I have a Grapefruit instead of an Orange will I be too far off my diet prescription). Additional options include: . Enter various favorite recipes by specifying the food items and amounts that the recipe calls for. The RECIPE Option will save these items for future reference and will also add the recipe to the food item data base to include it in Menu planning. . Directly modify the food item table through the TABLES Option. This option requires the entry of food item names, calories, serving sizes, and grams of protein, fat, and carbohydrate. It will automatically compute EUs or allow direct entry. . Print out Diets, Menus, and Recipes. . Obtain Help (what you are doing now)... FUNCTION Keys Request the various Options by pressing the "Function Key" shown on the top of the screen. As shown there: . Press F1 to plan/view/modify a DIET. . Press F2 to plan/view/modify a MENU. . Press F3 to plan/view/modify a RECIPE. . Press F4 to view/modify the food item TABLE. . Press F9 to print the contents of the Option currently in use. . Press F10 to obtain help with the Option currently in use. Press these keys at any time to indicate what Option to exercise. If you have pressed F1 and entered a DIET and now wish to plan a MENU, press F2 and you will be shown the MENU Options. The remaining function keys will vary with each screen being viewed. F5, F6, F7, and F8 will be described on each screen where they are allowed. Switching Units - F5 Whenever switching between PFC units and EU units are allowed it will always be the F5 key that performs the action. ESCAPE Key Press the ESCAPE key (labeled ESC) at any time to exit from the Option you are doing. To completely exit DIETAID keep pressing ESC until DIETAID terminates. DIALOG BOXES Pressing a Function Key (FKEY) causes a "Dialog Box" to be shown requesting additional information. For each of the F1, F2, and F3 keys (Diet, Menu, and Recipe) you will be asked if you wish to start a New ..., retreive an Old ..., see a List of old ..., or Delete an old... File Names: In each of these cases you will be prompted for a name (either a New name to start, or an Old name of a ... you previously created). These names must be composed of just the letters a-z and must be 8 characters in length or less. If you are currently working on a ... and press its related FKEY you will also be given the opportunity to Save the .... DIET - F1 ---- Press the F1 key at any time to begin or resume diet planning. When you first start DIETAID you will be prompted for the name of a diet to use. This is because most often you will be using a diet even when doing MENUs and RECIPES for comparison to your plan. To skip the DIET portion, press the Fkey for the option to execute next (or the ESC key to exit). BASIS FOR DIET The DIET option allows entry of some personal information that can be used as the BASIS for suggesting a diet. Use the TAB and BACKTAB (SHIFT Key + TAB) to move around the area labeled BASIS FOR DIET. If you enter your AGE, SEX (M/F), whether you are PREGnant (Y/N, female only), LACTating (Y/N, female only, breast feeding), your HEIGHT (inches), WEIGHT (pounds), and whether you have Light, Moderate, or Active physical ACTIVITY, DIETAID will be able to SUGGEST your total daily caloric intake. Activity No regular aerobic exercise would be marked 'L'ight. Three to five times a week of easily paced jogging, swimming, biking, etc for up to 30 minutes would be marked 'M'oderate. Four or more times a week of strenuous running etc for over 30 minutes would be marked 'A'ctive. F7 - CALCULATING A DIET F5 - SWITCHING DIET UNITS Based on your total daily calories, DIETAID will suggest either PFC or EU values for each meal, including snacks (press the F7 key). If YOUR INPUT is blank, DIETAID will use suggested cal- ories. You may switch back and forth between PFC and EU units by pressing the F5 key. The distribution of calories by meal and measure (PFC or EU) that DIETAID uses may be modified using the F4-TABLES option (discussed below). F6 - CONVERT UNITS The F5 key just switches the display between the calculated (or entered) PFC and EU units, it does no conversion. The F6 key can be used to convert the EU diet to its PFC equiv- alent or the PFC diet to a nearly EU equivalent. The EU to PFC conversion is accurate, the PFC to EU is somewhat subjective since many EU combinations equal the same PFC values. The PFC to EU conversion is done by allocating the calories for each meal and allocating them to EU's based on the total EU allocation table (total = sum of all meals for each EU). DIRECT ENTRY OF DIET PLAN You may also directly enter your PFC or EU values as prescribed by a doctor or nutritionist by using the TAB and BACKTAB keys to move around the DIET PLAN area of the screen and entering the values. As you enter values here, DIETAID will compute the total calories represented by your values in the BASIS field labeled YOUR INPUT. SAVING THE DIET Once the diet is the way you want it, save it by pressing the F1 - DIET key. The Dialog Box will appear with the S Option displayed to allow saving the diet. When you press S, you will be prompted with the name you gave when starting the DIET. Press the ENTER key to use this name, or type a new name to save it as, or press the ESC key to not save the DIET. MENU - F2 ---- Press the F2 key at any time to begin or resume menu planning. MENU OVERVIEW SCREEN The MENU option first displays an overview of the MENU in process. It displays each meal along with the DIET plan values for the meal. It also shows the ACTUAL values for the meal for the menu items you have entered for that meal. This allows comparison of the meal you are planning to the DIET plan. When you are working on a new menu all ACTUAL figures will start as zero. This screen also shows your planned and actual calorie totals. Selecting Meal to Plan You select which meal to plan next by using the UP and DOWN arrow keys to HIGHLIGHT each meal. Press ENTER when the meal you wish to plan is highlighted. This will display the screen for entering food items, quantities, etc for that meal. F5 - SWITCHING DIET UNITS The F5 key will switch all the menu displays between PFC and EU units. MENU MEAL ENTRY SCREEN This screen is divided into the top half and the bottom half. Item Entry Half of Screen (Bottom Half) The bottom half of the screen allows entry of food item names and quantities of that item to include in the menu for this meal. Type in the food item name and press the ENTER key to retrieve the food item from the data base. Matching Item (and F6 Measure Conversion). If the item is found in the data base, the rest of the row will be filled in with the serving size, measure, and calories. Press the TAB key and enter the quantity (of the shown measure) to include in the meal. If you are unsure of the quantity of the shown measure, press the F6 key and you will be given a list of measures to convert from. For instance if the measure is cups and you only know the liters of an item, press F6 and you may specify liters to convert from, and the number of liters. DIETAID will place the number of cups in the quantity column. Non-Matching Item (and F8 Food Name Lookup). If the item is not found a message will appear on the bottom of the screen and the row will rest of the row will remain blank. Try the name again with a different spelling, or press F8 to be shown a list of items similar to the one typed. Use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys (or PgUp and PgDn) keys to look around for the item you want. Press ENTER with the cursor on any item and it will be entered in the food item column. Press ESC to not select any names from the displayed F8 list. Deleteing an Item (F7 key) To delete the item under the cursor from this meal press the F7 key. The item will be removed and all its contributions to the the meal will be subtracted. Scrolling (ARROW, PgUp, PgDn, CTRL+HOME/END) To enter more items than fit on the bottom of the screen, press one of the above keys, and items will scroll to allow further entry. You may enter up to 50 items for each meal. Meal Summary Half of the Screen (Top Half) The top half of the screen displays the diet plan for this meal (if any diet has been selected), along with the totals for the items and quantities entered so far. As quantities are entered in the bottom half of the screen, these figures are updated. As mentioned press F5 to switch between PFC and EU displays. The top half also displays the item under the cursor in the bottom half of the screen along with its PFC or EU units. This allows you to gauge the effect changes in quantity for the item will have on the totals for the meal. Lastly the top half displays the total calories for the meal so far. Exiting the Meal Press the ESC key when finished with the meal and the MENU OVERVIEW screen will be displayed to allow selection of the next meal to plan. SAVING THE MENU Once the menu is the way you want it, save it by pressing the F2 - MENU key. The Dialog Box will appear with the S Option displayed to allow saving the menu. When you press S, you will be prompted with the name you gave when starting the MENU. Press the ENTER key to use this name, or type a new name to save it as, or press the ESC key to not save it. MENU and TABLE REVISIONS The MENU is saved as just items and quantities. When you use the MENU the actual calories, PFCs, and EUs are gotten from the food item table (FIT) as the MENU is loaded. Thus if changes are made to an item in the FIT that happens to be in a MENU, the MENU total calories, PFCs etc will be different than when you saved it (reflecting the changes to the values of the affected food item). RECIPE - F3 ------- Press the F3 key at any time to begin or resume recipe planning. RECIPE INTRO SCREEN The RECIPE option first displays a screen to allow you to select a DIET plan meal to compare the recipe to (if there is a DIET plan loaded. Select the meal to compare to by the UP and DOWN arrow keys and pressing ENTER on the meal to use. If there is no DIET plan loaded, there will be no meal selection option. Number of Servings With or without selecting a meal, press the F6 key to be prompted the number of servings the RECIPE provides. All figures computed for the recipe will be kept as totals and per serving. Thus when this recipe is selected in MENU planning you will enter quantities in terms of servings, not in terms as part of the total recipe. F5 - SWITCHING DIET UNITS The F5 key will switch all the recipe displays between PFC and EU units. RECIPE ENTRY SCREEN This screen is divided into the top half and the bottom half. Item Entry Half of Screen (Bottom Half) The bottom half of the screen allows entry of food item names and quantities of that item to include in the recipe for this meal. Type in the food item name and press the ENTER key to retrieve the food item from the data base. Matching Item (and F6 Measure Conversion). If the item is found in the data base, the rest of the row will be filled in with the serving size, measure, and calories. Press the TAB key and enter the quantity (of the shown measure) to include in the meal. If you are unsure of the quantity of the shown measure, press the F6 key and you will be given a list of measures to convert from. For instance, if the measure is cups and you only know the liters of an item, press F6 and you may specify liters to convert from, and the number of liters. DIETAID will place the number of cups in the quantity column. Non-Matching Item (and F8 Food Name Lookup). If the item is not found a message will appear on the bottom of the screen and the rest of the row will remain blank. Try the name again with a different spelling, or press F8 to be shown a list of items similar to the one typed. Use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys (or PgUp and PgDn) keys to look around for the item you want. Press ENTER with the cursor on any item and it will be entered in the food item column. Press ESC to not select any names from the displayed F8 list. Deleteing an Item (F7 key) To delete the item under the cursor from this recipe press the F7 key. The item will be removed and all its contributions to the meal will be subtracted. Scrolling (ARROW, PgUp, PgDn, CTRL+HOME/END) To enter more items than fit on the bottom of the screen, press one of the above keys, and items will scroll to allow further entry. You may enter up to 50 items for the recipe. Recipe Summary Half of the Screen (Top Half) The top half of the screen displays the diet plan for this meal (if any diet has been selected), along with the totals for the items and quantities entered so far. As quantities are entered in the bottom half of the screen, these figures are updated. As mentioned press F5 to switch between PFC and EU displays. The top half also displays the item under the cursor in the bottom half of the screen along with its PFC or EU units. This allows you to gauge the effect changes in quantity for the item will have on the totals for the recipe. Lastly the top half displays the total calories for the meal so far, the number of servings, and the calories per serving. Exiting the Recipe Press the ESC key when finished with the recipe and the RECIPE INTRO screen will be displayed to allow revision of the number of servings or selection of a different meal to compare to. SAVING THE RECIPE Once the recipe is the way you want it, save it by pressing the F3 - RECIPE key. The Dialog Box will appear with the S Option displayed to allow saving the recipe. When you press S, you will be prompted with the name you gave when starting the RECIPE. Press the ENTER key to use this name, or type a new name to save it as, or press the ESC key to not save it. Entry of Recipe into Food Item Table The recipe will be saved in a recipe file (like menus), but it will also be saved in the fool item table just like any food item. This will allow selection of the recipe in future MENU planning just like any other food item without having to enter all the ingredients in the MENU. RECIPE and TABLE REVISIONA The RECIPE is saved as just items and quantities. When you use the RECIPE the actual calories, PFCs, and EUs are gotten from the food item table (FIT) as the RECIPE is loaded. Thus if changes are made to an item in the FIT that happens to be in a RECIPE, the RECIPE total calories, PFCs etc will be different than when you saved it (reflecting the changes to the values of the affected food item). Note the values stored for the RECIPE itself in the FIT are not directly affected by changes to items that occur in the RECIPE. The RECIPE values in the FIT will only be updated when the RECIPE is loaded and saved. TABLES - F4 ------ Press the F4 key at any time to view or modify the tables used by DIETAID. There are two tables available at the present time. These are the Diet Allocation Table (DAT), and the Food Item Table (FIT). Press F4 to access the DAT, F6 to access the FIT. Diet Allocation Table (DAT) - F4. This table allows the experienced person such as a doctor or nutritionist to specify the distribution of calories to allocate to protein, fat, and carbohydrate by meal or to each Exchange Unit by meal. This table is used in the DIET option when F7 is pressed to Compute Diet. The total of all entries in the table should sum to 100%. You are only warned if they do not sum, so be sure you know what you are doing if you choose to use values that do not sum to 100%. As distributed the DAT calls for 20% of calories to be allocated to Protein, 30% to Fat, and 50% to Carbohydrate. DIETAID distri- butes them to meals at 30% to Breakfast, 30% to Lunch, 30% to Supper, and 10% as a Bedtime Snack. Thus the table says: 6% Protein for Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper (30% of 20%) 2% Protein for Bedtime Snack (10% of 20%) 3 meals at 6% plus one at 2% = 20% Total Protein 9% Fat for Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper (30% of 30% each) 3% Fat for Bedtime Snack (10% of 30%) 3 meals at 9% plus one at 3% = 30% Total Fat 15% Carb for Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper (30% of 50%) 5% Carb for Bedtime Snack (10% of 50%) 3 meals at 15% plus one at 5% = 50% Total Carb The distributed EU allocation calls for 10% of calories to be allocated to Milk, 25% Meat, 30% Bread, 5% Vegetable, 10% Fruit, and 20% Fat. This is allocated to each meal as follows: 3% Milk for Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper 1% Milk for Bedtime Snack 8% Meat for Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper 1% Meat for Bedtime Snack 9% Bread for Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper 3% Bread for Bedtime Snack 1% Vegetable for Breakfast 2% Vegetable for Lunch and Supper 3% Fruit for Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper 1% Fruit for Bedtime Snack 6% Fat for Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper 2% Fat for Bedtime Snack Press F5 to switch between the two tables. Note that the DAT is always saved even when ESC is pressed, so be sure the values on the screen are the ones you want. Food Item Table (FIT) - F6 This table allows entry of additional food items to the table. The table may hold up to 3000 total food items. The food items are displayed in alphabetical order by the first four characters of their name. You may scroll through the table with ARROW keys and PgUp, PgDn keys (CTRL+HOME goes to top of list, CTRL+END goes to the end of the list). Note that to ADD a food item (see below) all that is needed is . Calories . Grams of Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrate Each of the above are PER SERVING. These items are commonly listed on the back of most packaged foods. Pauses during scrolling The FIT is handled in chunks since it will not all fit in memory so there will be occasional longer pauses during scrolling as it becomes necessary to read in the next chunk. Note also that as changes are made, they are written to the data base as chunks, so there will be an additional pause during scrolling to write out any changes to the chunk currently in memory. Index file Similarly there is an index to the food item table that is changed whenever the food name is changed, or an item is added or deleted. There will be a pause as you exit the FIT to rewrite the index file if any of these changes have occured. Modifying the FIT (EU calculation F5 and SHIFT+F5) Modifications may be made to the table by just typing over old entries. If any of the PFC or calories are changed DIETAID will automatically re-compute the EU values for the item. Pressing SHIFT+F5 will tell DIETAID to not recompute EUs when the above values are changed. The status of automatic recomputing is shown on the bottom of the screen. SHIFT+F5 will toggle re- computation on and off as needed. Press F5 to directly view and/or modify the EU values yourself, regardless of whether DIETAID has calculated any values. Adding New items (F6) Press F6 to add a new item. This causes a screen with many rows with item "~~~~" to appear. The ~~~~ is a marker that this item slot is available to make new entries in. You may continue to enter new items by typing over the ~~~~ entries. ARROW keys and PgUp and PgDn keys will display additional ~~~~~ entries up to a max table size of 3000 items. Primary EU Note that if DIETAID is recomputing EUs automatically, a PRIMARY EU must be specified. DIETAID can determine EUs once it knows which Unit to allocate the majority of PFCs to. Relocating Items As you modify item names, or add new items DIETAID will keep the names in alpha order. DIETAID waits until a new chunk (see Pauses above) needs to be read or written to do this. If a revised name falls in a different alpha location or for all new names you will notice the items moving to their proper alpha location as chunks of the table are accessed. Deleting Items (F7) Press F7 while the cursor is resting on an item and the item will be deleted from the table. You will be asked to verify that you wish to delete the item. Answering Y will delete it, N or ESC ignore the delete request. Locating Items (F8) Press F8 to be prompted for an item name (or beginning part of an item name, any number of letters) to locate in the table. This does not require an exact match. You will be moved to that part of the table that matches or is just prior to where such an item would occur alphabetically. PRINTING - F9 -------- Press F9 at any time to print the contents of the Option currently (or most recently) being accessed. You may only print Diets, Menus, or Recipes (print does not print the FIT or DAT). You are not reprompted for which Diet, Menu, or Recipe to print, print merely prints whichever you are currently working on. For instance if you have just completed a diet and have it on the screen, press F9 to print it. You will be prompted to press any key when your printer is ready. Press any key to begin, or press ESC to NOT print anything. If your printer is not ready or is out of paper, DIETAID will pause and display a message to this effect. Fix the problem and press any key to continue, or press ESC to discontinue printing.