PowerGlove sensor values FINGERS (3)        FINGERS(3) 160 000 k straight 310 000 k half bent 500 000 k fully bent THUMB (1) 280 000 k straight 500 000 k fully bent These figures are slightly approximate. These figures are from uncovered sensors taped to the fingers. (taken out of the glove) € ‰ w  /Â[ ÿ¿ `Iï óÜ[ƒ ï €=ï ò[iEï ëD0\ø[è \²\ \ø[ è \›÷\²/÷î  ÈÈ®` ï,  € Œ ÿÿ  ÿÿµ ÿÿË ÿÿÍ ÿÿÏ ÿÿÚ ÿÿî ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ‹ ÿÿ \ø[ è \›÷\²/÷î  ÈÈ®` ï,     Arial Jeffrey A Englert