MEGAMAN III(1990) _First appearance of Rush _First appearance of Protoman _first use of icons in the weapons list _First appearance of Mistery thanks _First time Megaman can slide _appearance of MM2 bosses (in DOC.ROBOT ) Rush Catipult: you start the game with it Rush Marine : won for Shadow Blades Rush Jet : won for Needle Man ___________________________________________________________ |WORLD 1 | CODE |WEAKNESS |CODE FOR ENERGIES| |TOP MAN | R.A3 |hard punch |0 energy: R.C5 | |NEEDLE MAN |R.D3 |gemini laser |1 energy: R.E6 | |SNAKE MAN | R.F6 |needle cannon |2 energies:R.E4 | |SPARK MAN | R.F4 |shadow blade |3 energies:R.B4 | |HARD MAN | R.C4 |magnet beam |4 energies:R.A5 | |GEMINI MAN | R.B5 |snakes search |5 energies:R.C1 | |MAGNET MAN | R.F5 |spark shot |6 energies:R.D2 | |SHADOW MAN | R.D6 | |7 energies:R.C3 | | | | |8 energies:R.F2 | | | | |9 energies:R.F2 | |______________|_________|_______________|________________ | Top Man+Snake Man: | B.A3 | Needle Man+Magnet Man | B.D3 | Hard Man+Gemini Man | B.B5 | Spark Man+Shadow Man | B.F4 | ______________________|____________________________________| With the MM3 password , one of the red ball represents the amount of energies you want to start with ; each other represents one boss you remove, or a combinaison of 2 bosses. Password = bosses you want remove+ energies you want put= (for exemple) remove Magnet Man, Gemini Man, Top Man, Spark Man + 9 energies = R.F5 , R.B5 , R.A3 , R.F4 + R.A6 But a blue ball remove 2 bosses: exemple: Password= (by exemple) remove magnet,needle, top,snake+ 9 énergies= B.D3 B.A3 R.A6 ______________________________________________________________________ DOC.ROBOTS: MM2 boss 1st choice 2nd choice CODE| _____________________________________________________________________| SHADOW: Wood man Snake Needle cannon R.A4| Heat man top spin shadow blades | NEEDLE: Air man Spark Magnet Beam R.B2| Crash man hard punch top spin | GEMINI: Flash man Needle Gemini laser R.B6| Bubble man shadow blades spark shots | SPARK: Metal man magnet hard punch R.B2| Quick man gemini lasers snakes search | _____________________________________________________________________| Dr.Robots's boss (Wood Man, Heat Man...)are MM2's boss ___________________________________________________________________________ DR.WILY BOSS WEAKNESS | stage 1: Turtles top spin | stage 2: Rock Man(Cyclops)hard punch to the eye | | stage 3: Clone Mega Men 4 search snakes (against the middle Clone) | stage 4 : Beat all the bosses | stage 5: Dr.Wily Pinbot spark shots (on the low gun turret) | Ruch Jet (to hit Dr.Wily in the cokcpit) | stage 6: Peace Keeper hard punch (on the head) | top spin or search-snakes | ___________________________________________________________________________| WORLD 2 'S CODE (+ 9E) : B.A3§ B.B5§ B.D3§ B.F4§ R.A6 + (code of some word 2 bosses (facultative)) BREAK MAN 'S CODE (+9E) : B.A3§ B.B5§ B.D3§ B.F4§ B.A1§ B.B2§ R.A6 Dr.WILLY 'S CODE (+9E) : B.A3§ B.B5§ B.D3§ B.F4§ B.A1§ B.B2§ R.A6§ R.E1 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' When you are in the word 2 (DOC. ROBOT), the Password considers: you remove world 1 bosses +(any word 2 bosses (if you want to remove))+ energies you want. exemple: Password = remove 2nd world Shadow + 9 energies = remove all world 1 bosses+ remove 2nd world Shadow+9 energies (for example) remove magnet-needle, top-snake, gemini-hard, spark-shadow+ word2 Shadow+9 energies =B.D3, B.A3, B.B5, B.F4 R.A4 R.A6 ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` HINTS: ***you can dodge Break Man's attacks by going under him when he jumps or by using Rush Jet. ***Gemini Laser are good to kill Hedgehogs in needle stage. ***Shadow Blades are good to kill the 2 cats in Top Man stage. ***In Hard Man stage, you can make the big bees disappear before they release their bad little bees by going fastly back as soon as you see them. (don't go back to far if you don't want them to come back) RUSH'S GHOST!!! see with: rj!rm!!.gif under some very special conditions, you can get an RushJet or a Rush Marine item though there is no RJ or RM bar actually present in the pause screen (for example if you didn't beat or remove needle, you have no RJ bar) but, if you have the weapon whose icon is just left of the lacking Rush Item, you can select the blank space where the Item should be (in this example, if you have Shadow blade, go on the icon and then press right to select the empty RJ place: you will see Rush appears onto the "NEXT" then unpause by pressing A: you will have RJ item! its power is zero and you have to fill it. Once you use RJ (you must ride him), its bar will appear on the pause screen. So you can have RJ by doing shadow and RM if you have Spark it is not very useful but it is a very strange tip! STAGE 5 MAP: (when you need to beat all world1'bosses again): see mm3_wil5.gif thanks to: the megaman ultimate FAQ from Procyon Lotor(at BARRIN@ENSAM.INRA.FR