----------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Windows 95 README for QuickTime Information August l995 ----------------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1995 This document provides complementary or late-breaking information to supplement the Microsoft Windows 95 documentation. ------------------------ How to Use This Document ------------------------ To view Readme.txt on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print Readme.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, then use the Print command on the File menu. -------- CONTENTS PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS FOR QUICKTIME MOVIES REMOVING PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS FOR QUICKTIME MOVIES UNDEFINED DYNALINK ERROR Performance Enhancements for QuickTime Movies --------------------------------------------- If you are experiencing performance problems with your QuickTime applications, you can install the "MSVHDW95.QTC" QuickTime Component. To install it, right-click on "Optimize.INF" and select install. Removing Performance Enhancements for QuickTime Movies ------------------------------------------------------ If you want to undo the performance enhancements for QuickTime movies, run the "Un_Opt.inf" file. To remove it, right-click on "Un_Opt.inf" and select install. Undefined Dynalink Error ------------------------ If you receive an "undefined dynalink" error, it's likely that a program you are running uses an earlier version of QuickTime that conflicts with the current version. To resolve this problem, you need to delete the QuickTime files from the program's directory. To do this, carry out the following procedure: 1. Restart your computer. 2. Click the Start button, click Find, and then click Files Or Folders. 3. In the Named box, type the following: qt*.*, *.qtc 4. Make sure the Look In box specifies your C drive, and then click Find Now. 5. Delete all the QuickTime files in the program's directory. Be sure NOT to delete any QuickTime files in the \Windows or \Windows\System directories. 6. Restart your computer. You can also contact Apple for information about QuickTime version 2.02, or you can download it from CompuServe.