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These programs are various games and sources of
entertainment. Most of these applications will allow you to interact with one or more
individuals over the Internet.
- Version Number: 1.0.0
- Revision Date: September 17, 1996
- File Name: avara.hqx
- Byte Size: 3,215,543
- License: Shareware
- HomePage: http://www.ambrosiasw.com/Ambrosia_Products/Avara.html
- Description: Avara's real-time graphic action will start your heart pounding as
you see your opponent gracefully bound across the terrain and quickly swoop in behind you.
Using both the mouse and keyboard, you have complete 360 degree control to counter
maneuver and quickly target your enemy. Players aren't limited to 'sliding' around in
predetermined mazes like in many of the older 3D games. Avara's maneuverability is unique,
allowing its warriors to freely climb, jump, and run on any of the structures in the
battlefield. Avara allows you to meet and play against people from all around the world,
right over the internet.
Bovine RC5 Client
- Version Number: 2b4
- Revision Date: August 16, 1997
- File Name: rc5.hqx
- Byte Size: 239,008
- License: Freeware
- HomePage: http://rc5.distributed.net/
- Description: Join the Bovine RC5 Effort to beat the RSA Secret-Key Challenge. Bovine is
working on the contest on the RSA Contest Page with the
identifier RC5-32/12/7 (the fourth from the top). The Bovine RC5 Effort was formed to take
the responsibilities of coordinating and maintaining the RC5 servers that are needed to
distribute key blocks to work on to all of the participating client programs. Check the homepage for more information.
Speed Demon
- Version Number: 1.2.2
- Revision Date: July 5, 1997
- File Name:speeddem.hqx
- Byte Size:7,826,138
- License: Shareware
- HomePage: http://www.cerbdev.com/mac/speeddemon/
- Author: Frank Kane
- Description: Speed Demon is a 3D car racing game you can play over AppleTalk or a
TCP/IP connection.
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