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Bookmark Utilities are programs to help you manage
your bookmarks. Many of these programs put Internet Explorer and Netscape bookmarks in one
listing. If you have a bunch of bookmarks, or just find managing the bookmarks you have
difficult, give one of these utilities a try.
QuikLink Explorer - Freeware
- Version Number: 3.0 Beta 6 Build 289
- Revision Date: September 16, 1997
- File Name: qle3b6fc.exe
- Byte Size: 4,277,858
- License: Freeware
- HomePage:
- Description: QuikLink Explorer replaces your Bookmark, Hotlist, and URL files,
taking you where you want to go with the click of a button. You can also use QuikLink
Explorer to convert your lists between browser formats or turn them into Web pages.
QuikLink Explorer Gold
- Version Number: 3.0 Beta 6 Build 289
- Revision Date: September 16, 1997
- File Name: qle3b6gc.exe
- Byte Size: 4,316,657
- License: Shareware
- HomePage:
- Description: QuikLink Explorer replaces your Bookmark, Hotlist, and URL files,
taking you where you want to go with the click of a button. You can also use QuikLink
Explorer to convert your lists between browser formats or turn them into Web pages.
- Version Number: 1.3
- Revision Date: June 19, 1997
- File Name: urlmenus.exe
- Byte Size: 129,813
- License: Freeware
- Homepage:
- Description: Provides a tray icon for instant access to your Internet Explorer or
Netscape bookmarks, as well as your home and search pages. Also allows you to quickly
hyperlink from any text-based application - simply highlight a URL and copy it to the
clipboard. If URLMenu detects a URL, it stores it for later reference and can fire up your
browser right away.
Web Quick
- Version Number: 1.4
- Revision Date: March 22, 1997
- File Name: wq32-14.exe
- Byte Size 1,188,463
- License: Shareware
- Homepage:
- Description: A very nice bookmark utility, Web Quick puts an item in your system
tray (by the clock) that you can use to go straight to specified or recent sites, and
more. Very handy for the novice as well as the expert that just wants a faster way to go
to pages.
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