This information is meant to serve as a general guide to operating the menu and the pictures contained on this disc. If you've pulled this up on a previous disc, it is not necessary to read any further since this is the same text. The pictures are printed to the screen with a program called "READ.COM". This program can be found at the DOS level, that is to say, if you were back at the A> and you typed "DIR" and (ENTER) you would see that program in the list along with all of the pictures. The pictures have the extensions of .PIC and .MAC and can be called up by the program READ.COM. The MENU does this for you automatically, however, you may do this from the DOS if you wish by simply typing READ (Name AND extension) + (enter) leaving a space between READ and the NAME.EXTENSION. If you type READ and (ENTER) at the DOS level you can access more control of the pictures by reading the CONTROL menu of READ.COM. All of this is NOT necessary because the MENU will allow viewing and PRINTING. This information is given in case you wish to use the extra power of the program READ.COM. The MENU commands can be accessed by pressing the space bar, or any character other than a number listed on the MENU. This should give you enough control to proceed. Hope you enjoy these pictures, they appear MUCH better if you print them out on a printer. The printer must be EPSON code compatible or IBM Graphics compatible. For EGA MONITOR users: The driver you are looking for to produce these pictures on your monitor is sitting on DISC #9. You must run the driver to produce images on your monitor.