QTS PABx7A,Á  !FNAME !LNAME !DATE !FIRM !1ADDR !2ADDR !CITY !PHRASE WOULD YOU LIKE 20, 30 OR EVEN 40 NEW CUSTOMERS, FAST? If you are like most HP3000 vendors you don't have the time to organize your sales and marketing efforts. The lack of proper organization and follow-up could be costing you 20 to 40 new customers a year. What can you do about it? þ The answer is to get organized and stay organized. To help you do that, we put together a complete sales prospecting system with over 4,000 HP3000 leads ready for you to use. In just a few hours you will be sending out personalized form letters, printing your own mailing labels, envelopes etc.. Or, you could be talking to hundreds of new prospects about your products and services. þ Advertising alone won't give you the sales you want. But when you combine advertising with direct mail and telephone marketing you have a unbeatable sales combination. Our SALESEYE System lets you take advantage of all three. Plus you can control and monitor the results of all of your sales and marketing activities. þ Start your organized approach to selling today and see if you don't pick up 20, 30 or even 40 new customers, much faster than ever before.þ Why not let every member of your sales team enjoy the benefits of SALESEYE? Order additional copies of SALESEYE for $89 and make copies of the leads for each salesperson. þ !FNAME, please take the time to look over the enclosed information about this unique sales management system. I will call you in a few days to answer any questions you may have. þ Sincerely yours, þ Tom Jerniganþ President OVER 4,000 HP3000 SALES LEADS + SALESEYE SYSTEM FOR ONLY $995.00 NEW PHONE # (415) 228-1532 OR (415) 228-6611