QTS PABx#šsÁ !FNAME !LNAME !DATEþ !FIRMþ !1ADDRþ !2ADDRþ !CITYþ !PHASEþ Once again its time to renew your PICS and Enhancement Service. We want to continue providing our personalized service and produc t enhancements to increase productivity for you and your company. Our invoice for your renewal is enclosed. þ During the past year our PICS customers have received substantial enhancements to our !WILD product. We expect to release more features during the coming year. They will all contribute to increased productivity. We urge you to renew so you can continue to benefit from these improvements. þ Sincerely yours,þ !AUTHOR !ATITLE P.S. Your current PICS and Enhancement Service expires in less than 30 days.þ