DEFINITION MODULE TermIO; (* (C) Copyright 1987 Fitted Software Tools. All rights reserved. *) (* The procedures in this module are the standard i/o routines used by the module TermBase. The procedures in this module invoke the DOS functions 2, 8 and B to perform their functions. For the screen clear (Write(ASCII.FF)) function to work, ANSI.SYS must be installed. *) PROCEDURE Read( VAR ch :CHAR ); (* wait until a character is available for reading from the keyboard and read it. The character is not echoed on the screen. ASCII.CR is converted to ASCII.EOL *) PROCEDURE Write( ch :CHAR ); (* write ch to the screen. ASCII.FF will cause the screen to be cleared (ANSI.SYS must be installed). ASCII.EOL will cause the sequence CR LF to be written ASCII.DEL will cause a destructive backspace. *) PROCEDURE KeyPressed() :BOOLEAN; (* return TRUE if a character is available for reading from the keyboard *) END TermIO.