Before you attemp to use this program it is suggested that you make a working copy of this disk and store this disk in a safe place for backup purposes. Make your copy onto a disk formatted by your computer using the command FORMAT B:/S/V to transfer your operating System to the disk and to Verify that disk was formatted properly. Then copy ALL files from this disk to the newly formatted disk! This program should run on any MS/DOS computer with a minimum of 484K of RAM. The computer must have been booted with a CONFIG.SYS file on that has the minimum settings of FILES=20 and BUFFERS=22. There is a CONFIG.SYS file with those settings on this disk which can be copied to your working program disk. If you boot with a disk that has your computer's operating system and all files from this disk on it, the AUTOEXEC.BAT file will automatically load the program. As soon as you see the opening menu on your screen, you will be ready to proceed. If you have already booted the computer (with the proper .SYS com files on the disk used to boot) and you don't use the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, you can run the program by typing LEARN. The program disk has a sample "Learn File" that can be used to learn the commands of the MS/DOS operating system.