+@FONT You are currently in the f o n t d i s p l a y. Two fonts are displayed. One of them is a c t i v e, and its name is highlighted in the status line. The [Tab] key toggles the active font. [PgUp] and [PgDn] scroll the display. Hitting any character key changes to the character display. You may then edit the selected character. To save your work, use the "Write" menu option by hitting [Alt-W] or [Esc] W. To quit editing, select the "Quit" menu option by hitting [Alt-Q] or [Esc] Q. +@CHAR You are currently in the c h a r a c t e r d i s p l a y. You may now edit a character. Two characters are displayed. One of them is a c t i v e. The name of the active character is highlighted, and the cursor is in the active character's box. In addition to the menu commands, the following commands are available: (1) The [Tab] key toggles the active character. (2) Move the cursor with the 8 cursor keys. [Home], [PgUp] etc.. move the cursor diagonally. [Ctrl-Left], [Ctrl-Right], [Ctrl-PgUp] and [Ctrl-PgDn] shift the entire character inside the character box. (3) The [Space] key toggles the pixel under the cursor on or off. (4) [Ctrl-|] and [Ctrl-_] reflect the character horizontally and vertically. (5) [Ctrl-^] sets the width of a proportionally spaced character to the cursor column. A small ^ indicator under the character shows the width. (6) [Grey +], [Grey -] and [Ins], [Del] insert or delete a row or column. (7) [Return] saves both characters and returns to the font display. (8) [Backspace] abandons the characters and returns to the font display. (9) Hitting any character key saves both characters and switches to the selected character. +Help To get help on a specific command, move the menu bar onto the desired command and hit [Alt-H]. To get general help, leave the menu (by hitting [Esc]) and hit [Alt-H]. +Mark +Area +Fill +Erase +Cut +Duplicate You can mark a rectangular area in the character box and turn all pixels inside it on or off or cut out or duplicate the marked area. First, move the cursor into one corner of the intended area and set the mark there with the "Mark" command. Then move the cursor in the opposite corner. Select "Area Fill" or "Area Erase" to fill or erase the area. Select "Area Cut" or "Area Duplicate" to cut or duplicate the area into the paste buffer. Afterwards, you can move the cursor to a different location in the same character, or to a different character and select "Area Paste" to paste the contents of the paste buffer. +Paint +Paste The "Paint" option changes the p a i n t m o d e. If the paint mode is set to FILL, all pixels traversed by the cursor are automatically turned on. If it is set to ERASE, all pixels traversed by the cursor are automatically turned off. The paint mode also affects pasting. If paint is OFF, the paste image is t r a n s p a r e n t l y superimposed over the current image. That is, two set pixels in the character and the pasted image cancel each other out. (Despite appearance to the contrary, this is the most conservative mode since pasting can be undone just by doing it twice.) If paint is FILL, the set pixels of the paste image are overlaid over the character. If paint is ERASE, all pixels (on or off) of the paste image are overlaid. +This font +Other font +Disk font This option allows you to read another character into the current box. The new character writes over the old one. You can read a character from the active font, the other loaded font or from any font on disk. The character can be rad in with its size unchanged ("Read") or scaled to the current size ("Scale") You need to specify the character, and in the case of a disk font, the file name. When prompted for the character, you can hit [Return] to select the same character as the one you are currently editing. +Update Write the current character to memory. You can choose between writing the active character only or both characters. Note that the [Return] key saves both characters and returns to the font display. +Overlay +Move box +Cancel Allows you to move the character boxes of the two fonts so that they are adjacent or partially or totally overlap. This is useful for editing characters that piece together to larger symbols. Select "Overlay Move box" to position the boxes. The cursor keys move the active box. [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right] move the box by one pixel. [Home] and [End] move by the box width, [PgUp] and [PgDn] by half the box height. [Tab] toggles the active box. Any other key ends positioning. Use "Cancel" to cancel the overlay mode. +Quit Return to DOS. If you did not save one or both fonts first, you will be asked whether you want to abandon them. Select "Proceed" to proceed to DOS or "Cancel" to cancel the "Quit" command. +End Return to DOS. If you did not save one or both characters first, you will be asked whether you want to abandon them. Select "Proceed" to proceed to DOS or "Cancel" to cancel the "Quit" command. Note that the [Return] key saves both characters and returns to the font display and [Bksp] returns to the font display without saving anything and without asking for confirmation. +Width +Default +Flexible +Cursor column Set the width of a proportionally spaced character. The width is indicated by a caret (^) under the character box. Setting the width to "Flexible" is a special case--as many pixel columns as necessary to cover the other characters in the same text column get printed. This is useful for an underline character that can shrink or expand according to the size of the character it needs to underline. The "Width Cursor column" command is identical with [Ctrl-^]. +Type Select the type of the font. Available types are: Type Dimensions Purpose ------------------------------------------------------------- Screen 8 x 10 For IBM Color Graphics Adapter Hercules 9 x 16 For Hercules Monochrome Graphics Adapter Print 16 x 24 For 9 pin printers Toshiba 24 x 30 For 24 pin printers Laser 32 x 50 For 300 dots per inch laser printers +First char +Last char A printer font that does not contain the full range of characters can be set to a restricted range to save disk space. For example, the Greek font has first character 'A' and last character 'z'. To reset to the full range, set first character '!' and last character '~'. DO NOT restrict the range of a screen font, or it will not load properly.